Monday, February 27, 2012

southern usa history.

This is seriously one of the most difficult assignments I've ever done in my life. I'm trying to find out about children's literature in the history of the Southern United States and it is virtually non-existent. And I say this with zero racial undertones whatsoever but it is because they were illiterate for so long. White people made it so that only the very elite could read and write and no one else could.
And I'm struggling because they only wanted them to know certain things, like how to be a Southern Belle or a Southern Gentleman. And that means there is virtually zero books for them to read. I'm dead though, I need to go to bed and start fresh tomorrow.
Also, I have to write an essay on the history of the american south... any ideas for a topic?
I'm thinking of going on this whole gender ideals thing with southern belles and the southern gentleman.

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