Saturday, October 3, 2009

i hate that you make me love you.

it was awesome.
but we lost it.
it's not possible for me not to care.

baby, run.

you can't get here fast enough.

you just know me too well. good thing i screwed that up.

how do you still make me smile with a single word.
how do you get tears in my eyes with the lyrics of a song.
how do you still love me after everything.

you've got to do it quick like a band aid

this is by far the hardest thing i've ever had to do.

i could've spent a life with you, but those days were over.

was it just like those promises that you made,
on our last night.

here's to you.

you meant more to me then, than i think you ever knew.

Friday, October 2, 2009

he's charming and endearing and i'm comfortable.

he says, "you look beautiful tonight"
and i feel perfectly fine.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

i think it's time to jump.

don't forget to look before you fall.