Saturday, June 4, 2011

so on fire, so in love; way back when we couldn't get enough.

I wanna feel that way, I wanna hold you close;
oh if you still love me don't assume I know.

remind me.

greatest song ever.
bp and cu; absolutely incredible.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I know I should just be thankful and appreciate what I have in my life. And for the most part, I do. I am thankful because I am blessed. But I am so incredibly tired of being sad. I'm tired of feeling this emptiness. This apathy. The inability to mve forward. I am always sad. Sad and tired and depressed and sad. me

pity party.

I went to arizona for five days in hopes I'd forget about him and finally let it go.
Instead, I missed him like crazy and had more time to think about him, us and everything I'm unhappy with in my life.