Saturday, July 20, 2013

little moments like that.

Today ZG made a comment about being crazy (I love her, but she is).
I was thinking about it and I kind of had a moment where I almost burst into tears.
I remember one day I apologized to number twelve for being so incredibly crazy. I was upset and overreacting because I just love him so much and he knows exactly how to get my emotions going, he ignites something inside of me.
I remember saying I'm sorry I'm so crazy and his response was,
all the best people are.

And yet another day where tears stream down my face for you.

They say I'll be okay, but I'm not going to ever get over you.

She spent her whole life trying to forget.

She put him out, like the burning end of a midnight cigarette. She broke his heart.

What a life being 21.

I am such a shitshow.

Monday, July 15, 2013

I remember it all too well.

I'm laying in bed after yet another chance to be with another dude on Friday night and I turned him down. I'm glad I did because I don't want that. I'm laying here wide awake when I'm beyond exhausted because of course I have time to think. And what else would I think about other than number twelve. It just kills me that even now if I'm completely honest with everything in my being, it's still him. I cannot explain it, it's just him.