Saturday, September 29, 2012

Good ride cowboy, good ride.

Here's the thing. I actually love the feeling of hickeys but I hate how they look. They are so trashy. I love being kissed on the neck. I also love a man who controls the fuck out of me. Hot cowboy, yeah he did all of that. To accompany my hickeys aka my neck that looks like I was strangled, I have a huge bruise on my inner thigh. Like hello cowboy, clearly you know how to ride.
I have more hickeys than just on my neck and I have another bruise on my eye hahaha. Like shit got real. I would really like to have this boy progress to a common friend to fool around with. I don't want to up my notch count but basically the absolute last thing I want is to progress into any sort of relationship. I don't like relationships they are too time and energy consuming.

damn hickeys.

Sooo today I ordered pizza because I have been craving it forever and I'm pretty sure that the delivery guy thought I was like a rape victim or something. Like he looked at me and I didn't think to cover my neck because I am home and he just like stared at me. Then he was like hope you're okay have a good night honey. And not in like a creepy way like in a "does your boyfriend beat you kind of way".

It's not fair. We were supposed to have more time.

You can't erase who we were or what we had, no one can.


Well what'dya know, character changes everything.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Junior high parties

Fack look how bad this is. #embarrassing

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Brain shut off please.

Did you ever notice the day you need a really good sleep you are wide awake?

And now I cannot sleep.

Only 17 hours of school/ homework today. I am a slacker an a half.

past the point of exhaustion, simply wide awake.

Why yes, I am still awake writing an essay on Harry Potter.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Autobiographical Poem

This is one of my assignments. We had to write a poem about ourselves then visually represent ourselves somehow. My poem says exactly who I am. The black and white, that's who I am. I like things clean and distinct and classy. I don't think 170 different colours necessarily makes it more artistic. Simplicity matters. And there is one tiny matte of grey. And that is who I am.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Life after love.

It's funny really. You hurt for so incredibly long. All you know is pain. Heartbreak. And then you realize one day you don't even feel pain anymore. You don't feel anything. Nothing.

Kim Crawford.

I think I deserve a glass of wine. Today, I went to class, wrote a 3 hour exam comprised of 3 essays and a describe and explain section. Then I finished 3 assignments for Ed and I am working on reading. Like is this day over yet?


I'm seriously so happy that fall television is on haha it's so nice! There is a new show called Partners. It's with Sophia Bush and it is hilarious.