Saturday, July 4, 2015

Look who's back!

I'm reading this book of his about Hitler and it's absolutely ridiculous. It is hilarious! He is Hitler in this book. The entire sense of humor epitomizes him. I think it is so funny and it reminds me so must of his disgust for sillyness. He told me it was silly but this is even sillier than I thought.
I told him yesterday he's more like Hitler than I thought and he said, I'll take that as a major compliment!


So tonight he comes into work with my Arsenal kit and my contacts and he's like look! I brought you presents! I was so happy because he bought me a Koscielny jersey for taking care of Dukey and then he picked up my contacts because they wouldn't leave them outside his house annoyingly.
Then he started talking about sleeping with B right in front of me and it just deflated me a little. I really could care less that he's sleeping with her like I'm well aware that he does and he doesn't owe me an explanation but I don't want to hear about it.
So whatever he was pissing me off and wouldn't let me leave and it is so frustrating because sometimes I swear he does it to annoy me. My sister thinks it's because he wants to spend time with me but who knows. So I was mostly annoyed because it was so slow they didn't need me and I wanted to go to the gym. Hes like nope your closing then you have to go walk Duke. So finally when I leaving he's like bye and I'm like why are you saying bye I'm going to your house to use your gym now because mine is closed. And he's like okay! I'm like for real? He's like yes! Go! Duke will love it! Feed him when you get there, here's my keys! I'm like okay because as annoyed of him as I was, I wanted to work out. So I did and like 20 minutes in he sends me this picture with the caption, "he hasn't moved since you went down there". Which I mean, how adorable is that for him to a) notice and b) tell me.
So whatever I work out and when I came upstairs he's like want some wine?! I was like nope not after that.
So then I just sat and played with Duke for like an hour and we talked and playef and whatever. And he's so frustrating, halfway through he's like, I'm sorry I'm so rude facing the other way and turns towards me to talk.
So as I'm getting ready to leave he says, Duke is sad that you're leaving!
Like what the fuck. You can't just say shit like that. My sister is convinced he's trying to hit on me with that sort of stuff using Duke and letting me come work out, offering me wine etc. But I don't honestly know what to think. I have no idea what goes through his brain. He is so confusing and hot and cold and I just don't know what he wants or why he is the way he is.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Great novels. Great human.

I'm looking forward to Mexico for the break. But I'm also looking forward to a break from him. I think it will be good for me. My fear though, is that the stupid books he chose will remind me of him every single day.
I started reading one last night and he's like it's absolutely ridiculous but it's so funny. And I was like okay. So I started reading it, and it is HILARIOUS. I was laughing out loud often. But it reminds me of him because it is his sense of humour. It is exactly how he would act in the character's situation, in fact, he reminds me greatly of the protagonist.
I fear that each of the novels he's given me are exactly him because they are his favourites and thus it will be like reading about him every day. And I don't know if I want that.

silly boy.

It's like the silliest things. I mean after I went and saw Dukey yesterday afternoon, I stopped and dropped off something for the post office for him on my way downtown. I was laughing because he's like really you trust me with this? And I'm like ya you're great thanks. And he literally tosses it at me like he's throwing it in the garbage and cackles at me. I was like seee yaaaaa and walked away to nearly eat shit in my high heels. Like he is so silly and childish but it is refreshing because he isn't immature like an 18 year old male.

I was talking about my nephew to a girl the other day and I'm like ya he acts like he's 7. He can say his ABCs and count to 20. And another girl walks up and says, who? J?
I nearly died. He laughed when I told him too because it was so funny.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

No words.

New books. See ya social life.

Kindness versus weakness.

Sophia Bush.

Still surprises me.

You know, it's funny. It never ceases to amaze me how intrigued I am just listening to him speak. Today we got on the subject of divorce and he was very interesting. I said I felt bad for this girl and he's like why. And I'm like I don't know, that's got to be pretty tough.
And he was just so blatantly like I don't. It's pretty fast. I don't believe in divorce. You made a vow, stick it out. There's a select few situations that warrant divorce but 90 percent are because people just don't want to work through their problems.

I like when he talks about stuff like that. I like when he shows me that side of him. He's so full of shit 90 percent of the time that I really value when he talks about real things.


I'm looking at Galapagos travel and SO EXCITED now.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Silly girl.

I think I'm skinnier than I think.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

And so it begins.

I am sooo tired. My sales went from like 350 to almost 1800 after everyone was cut. My poor feet are so tired and I am so unbelievably grateful that J moved my jeep close for me so I didn't have to walk all the way to it.
I can tell it's going to be a QUICK transition back to last summer. Tonight was a 5pm-1am kind of night even though tomorrow is going to be like an 11am to 8 or 9pm kind of day. But it's good. I want the money. I got so fucked from the stupid school board paying me out all at once.