Saturday, May 26, 2012

Torn between being alone and being lonely.

I am more than mildly fucked. I really don't want a boy in my life right now or anytime soon but I hate seeing happy couples together at the same time. Seeing my sister and TH is so hard sometimes. They're so happy and I mean who doesn't want someone to cuddle with during a movie sometimes. Or wake up next to someone just once out of hundred mornings.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Kate voegele

I won't lie, let's call this what it is: an impatient girl waiting on an empty wish.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Being alone isn't the same as being lonely.

No sympathy.

I think it's so funny when people have a conversation on a social networking site aka twitter the. Realize anyone can see it and start trying to take it back. DK and JS are having a conversation about sex and now DK is trying to cover up the fact thy e had sex. Who cares bro? Your new gf with a child? Yeah shitty luck you got an insta-family when you turned into a dick.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

more than meets the eye

"Fairy tales are like glass beads in which the world sees a mirror-image of itself."
- Max Luthi

figure it out.

Dear parents of small children,
Please take your small and annoying shithead out of the college library and never bring them back. There is a public library with a children's section for a reason.
Every student ever.

library again

I'm sitting in the library at rdc right now. I'm trying to attempt working on my Children's Literature. It's such a lame class. But I'm sitting near the window. It's pretty beautiful looking out the window. It's only parking lot but it's raining outside and it's kind of nice.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

You're still the one I want for life.

Yesterday mom asked me if I truly thought number twelve was the one I would spend my life with. I said honestly, yes.
It was difficult to say it out loud because I knew how stupid it sounded. How embarrassing some people think I am. How naive they think I am. But he's the one I love, every day. For 4 and a half years.


I'm pretty unhappy with some shit at the Rdgcc right now. Like some of the people there are just gutless.

Unconditional love.

Perhaps we give the best of our hearts uncritically to those who hardly think of us in return.

Monday, May 21, 2012

I want my tattoo.

Words to live by:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Lilo and Stitch

I kept saying how much I needed you, but you needed me more.

Even on my weakest day.

I have been drunk/ extremely hungover for approximately 3 days now and I am about done. I'm sooo tired. I hate it. LW and I talked about number 12 today and I just realized like how much I love that kid and miss him. Like I honestly hate the way things played out for us.
Him and I have been hanging out too much in the last few months because I miss him so much.