Saturday, June 28, 2014

A silly girl with a flower.

Something else really cute happened on Thursday that I don't think I blogged about. J received an edible arrangement for his birthday and he took it in the office and had a little bit and then he picked out two cupcakes and put them on a plate and saved them. Then he brought it out to the rest of the staff but he said to CG (the manager) that he saved her one and then he's like B, I saved you one too! And it was a chocolate covered pineapple shaped like a cupcake that was DELICIOUS. I just thought it was nice he thought of me.

Miss him already.

When I said that I was happy J was going away for 4 days, I really mean I'm happy for him. I'm happy because I know he really needs that and he deserves it more than anyone. I'm not happy about it because 4 days will be the longest I haven't seen/ spoken to him since we opened 10 weeks ago.


This is the cut on my leg from the other day from Duke. It hurts so much I have been putting polysporin on it like crazy.

Long weekend.

I'm extremely happy that J is gone for 4 days but I'm so jealous. It will be so weird for him to not be there. Like he is always there when I work. He makes me laugh. He cheers me up by making fun of me or other girls. I am just so unsure of what to think or what I think.
I like J. I have feelings for J. But I'm not his type and he is not mine. It just seems easy though. It was as soon as we met. I don't know what to do.
Today ER asked me if we hooked up and I told her no and she probed a LOT which I get I would too I'm nosy. But she said just keep it no emotions and it will be fine. And I said I don't think I would be able to engage in something like that as much as I sometimes wish I could. I left out the part about my emotions already being involved thus why that would NEVER work with J especially.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Time flies.

I graduated five years ago today. I cannot believe how much has changed since then.

June 26.

So yesterday was a very interesting day. I got up at 6 and drove Dad to the airport because his flight left at 7. Then I went to the gym right after which was really good because it was so slow! I came home and showered and went to work. On the way I stopped and got a list of things that CG and I brainstormed that would be funny for J's birthday present. We got him socks because he loves socks and he was complaining that he bought his brother T and his wife really nice birthday gifts and they bought him socks hahaha. We also got him a supply of mints (a mint buffet if you will) because he always complains that none of his mints are strong enough. I literally picked one of each of the packages of mints and put them in the bag. We also got him a bath and body thing with epsom salts and a loofa. At Christmas, K (who is IN LOVE with him) bought him this gift basket of bath and body stuff and he was like wtf why did you buy me this? And we also got him a gift certificate for 5 possible restaurants he would NEVER go to. It turned out being HILARIOUS because he actually loved it. He thought it was really sweet that we thought of all of those things and he actually liked all of them except the epsom salts. The gift certificate was especially funny because he ended up LOVING one of the restaurants that you can use the gift certificate at. We specifically chose it because we were like he is way to pretentious to eat at any of these places whatsoever and then he was like I LOVE SWISS CHALET!
The bartender had decorated the office for him too which was also incredibly funny because at 3am while he was canoodling with a lady friend, the alarm company phoned him and said there was a motion detector set off in the office. So he left and went to work to find a popped ballon and his decorated office at 3am!
Then we had talked about me hanging out with Duke but kind of forgot. So I texted him and I was like hey can I still come see him or do you just want some alone time for your birthday this afternoon because I know how much he values that. And he was like No come over!!
So I went to his house expecting him to give me Duke and he came with me for a walk. It was really nice actually we just went for a walk along Fish Creek because he lives SO CLOSE to it. Then, because I am incredibly graceful, we were playing fetch with Duke and I was trying to wrestle the stick out of Duke's mouth and when I got it, I went to throw it only Duke's leash was between my legs so when I threw it, he bolted and took me out completely and J just laughed so hard at me. It actually cut my leg pretty good and currently is searing with pain. After J saw it he was like oh my gosh are you actually okay? It was quite funny though.
Then we went back to work and it was so dead so I left at like 6:30 and I'm like bye enjoy the rest of your night, Happy Birthday. But he kept texting CG and I while we were having wine then we ended up going to his house for more wine. We watched world cup and just basked and played with Duke and then I stayed there.
I think what I enjoyed most about the day is that he chose to spend his time off on his birthday with me. He wanted me to come over between shifts and he wanted us to come for wine last night. CG called him and was like we need you to pick us up last night while we were driving there just for fun and he's like okay I'm on my way! And when I asked if he wanted some time alone he was like Come over! And then he came for a walk with me. It was just kind of nice to see a different side of him like that.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

His name isn't actually Court hahaha.

I am talking to Court today again. I got worked last night at work. I was actually so tired by the end of my shift. I was actually running around for like 4 hours straight. I started with a 16 top reservation immediately when I showed up. I rang over 1800 last night in like 6 hours.
Court came in and I met his mom and sister. His sister is SO nice. She stayed and drank for awhile, his mom just came for a few drinks.
I don't know he's incredibly polite and he is witty and makes me laugh. Last night he coloured a children's colouring sheet and he is incredibly talented. I was actually stunned because he was shading it like a professional artist would.
Who knows, I'm definitely interested in getting to know him better which kind of sucks because he's leaving for a month probably next week! That's so long! I don't know he is just not someone I would see myself with. I think it's interesting because my taste in men has changed drastically as I age. I like that Court has a good job and he's attractive and funny and nice to me.


Perhaps I should explain this story. The reason I think it's so funny J doesn't trust his brother with his dog is because last time T has Duke, he bite someone hahaha. I know a dog biting someone is not funny but the situation is funny. So T was not paying attention and I think he was with his dog too and then he got wrapped up in a bike or something and like bit this person.
The funny part of this is that T had to call J and be like by the way when you get home Animal Services is coming to do an observation on Duke because he bit someone. And J's like wtf why what happened?
When Animal Services came to do the observation on Duke they were like uh this dog is like the most docile and easy going dog ever. J's like yep I know some days he won't even go for a walk he's so lazy.
So now, needless to say, J isn't over stoked for T to watch him.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The men that have me blushing.

I don't think I blogged about the whole Mexico thing. I was just standing at work the other day and J was like B, what are you doing this weekend? And I'm like what do you mean? (He never asks that because I work 24/7 haha). And he's like it's the long weekend what are you doing? And I'm like oh I work haha what else would I do? He's like I don't know maybe you were going away. So I asked him what he was doing and he's like I might go to Mexico for 2 days.
I was like what? Seriously? He's like yep. In my head I was like uhhh was he just going to ask me to go to Mexico for 2 days?
Then he's like but I don't know because of Duke. And I was like I'll watch Duke if you want. He's like well my brother said he would but I don't really trust him considering last time. And I laughed and told him I would if he needed.

So now I may or may not be staying at his house this weekend hanging out with his puppy. And now I am also wondering if he was going to ask me to go with him because he just is never that interested in probing for details. Maybe he just wanted me to babysit his dog. Who knows.
He's been weird this week. Like we've been talking lots and he's been so weird at work like super chatty. I don't even know. I know that I am obviously over-analyzing the shit out of everything. I just don't know right now.

On another note, M(Court) is coming in tonight again. He texted me this afternoon so we will see how that goes. I am really open to experience right now. CG wants me to date Court and she's so excited he is coming in tonight and that he texted me to see if I was working. He's a nice guy and makes me laugh and I think he's got his life together a bit but who knows.
Last week when CG was making comments about M texting me and stuff J was kind of being jealous and went out of his way to like be involved in all of our conversations. And then CG was like uh-oh J's fuming with jealousy now, right in front of J. And so who knows. CG always makes comments like that but it did kind of seem like he was jealous.

SO tonight I am just going to see how it goes haha. I'm definitely wearing my leather skirt though. YEP!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I'm captivated by you baby like a firework show.

The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm and I'm a house of cards. You're the kind of reckless that should send me running but I kind of know that I won't get far.

Monday, June 23, 2014

You're too perfect.

I hate how much I love him as a human being. Like sure he's physically attractive even though he's not my usual type but that's not it. I have fallen for his brain and his humour and his mature lifestyle. I have fallen in love with how he was raised and the way that he treats others. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The best boys.

T makes so many comments about J and I it's the fucking WORST! Sometimes it's so awkward... like tonight J was taking something to the lounge and T says, are you just checking him out? And I'm like no I wasn't even looking there and he's like yes you totally were now you're trying to look busy and hide it!
And J tonight was a little taken aback because B was there tonight to help with a party and her and I were talking and J is like what are you talking about? And we're like you obviously? And as she walked away he looked at me and was like I hate this. My worlds' are colliding.
B works at J and T's other place and is in love with J. Like if they haven't slept together, they've definitely hooked up. And I just think the whole thing is hilarious. Like C was like are you jealous? And I'm like no, I think she is though. Like J and I were talking in the office and when I walked out B was like waiting for me asking what are you doing?
T just hates how close J and I are. Yesterday I had jugo juices and he's like is one of these for J? And I'm like no why? He's like oh I would have taken it. You like J better than me so you suck up to him. And I'm like nope it's not for him. Then tonight T was making comments and I'm like you are so funny T. And he's like why I'm like you're like a secret funny. You don't say things as blatantly as J but you're funny. And he's like I'm hilarious B, all the time.
Their competition actually is hilarious.