Friday, June 14, 2013

Why do I keep letting you get to me?

You're a buzz kill every time you come around, those beers might as well have been poured out. Why are you still showing up and bringing me down? Why do I keep letting you get to me and mess up what this night was supposed to be? You walk right by, crashing my high like I know you will. You little buzz kill. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Oops, was that my outside voice?

Look, call me a bitch but I'd rather not be living in my parents house and working at an ice cream shop for 10$ an hour when I get married.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

it's always going to be there.

Yesterday I was talking to JP and she was like, I can't believe number twelve hasn't said anything yet. At all.
And then DVZ and I went for dinner and we were kind of talking and I said I think JP is naive enough to believe that one day he's just going to wake up and everything will click for him. He will just wake up and be like, I love her what have I been thinking.
DVZ was like I'm kind of wondering why he hasn't yet.
I think that's what is so difficult. I don't really understand why. I don't understand how we got here.
DVZ and JP have both told me they think I'll hear from him before the end of the summer, before he leaves I mean. And every time they say that I say I don't know. Mostly, I don't know what to say because if he doesn't it will shatter me. I will be more broken than I thought was possible, more broken than I am now.
I almost feel like I'm grieving the loss of him right now. I gave him my heart and soul and he said nothing, absolutely nothing. And now I don't know what to do.
Everyone says, why don't you just move on. You deserve better. And a million other things. What they don't understand is that I can't just ~move on~. I have been trying to for 3 years. And if you've never felt this way about someone, then I don't think that you can comment on it. My heart stops when I see him. My stomach drops, I'm speechless, I'm nervous when I see him. And then he gives me a hug and it all goes away. I feel more comfortable and more myself than any other time.
So what am I supposed to do?

Monday, June 10, 2013


Seeing photos of the golf course is so weird. It lacks so much of the classic Rdgcc crew. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's called having faith.

I can't wrap my head around it. 
Maybe your head's in the way. 

It's never too late.

Chance to do what, make a fool of myself? 

Best parents.

I just don't understand some people's lack of respect. I look at other people and I wonder who raised you? Then I am grateful for my parentals, especially for the days I hated them. Those are the days I know they loved me enough to make me hate them.