I'm so content not doing anyyything right now. I have lots of little get my shit together stuff to do and I'm quite content to sit here on my ass and do nothing. I have to get groceries, go to the gym, do laundry, apply for a scholarship, and just generally do anything. I'm pretty happy with where life's at and I just want to be happy this semester.
I want to focus on school and the gym and being happy and healthy and having a little bit more fun.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
I get caught in the, "you were the only one for me".
I can walk right by your picture in a frame, and not feel a thing;
but when I hear your name:
I feel rain falling right out of the blue sky
and it's the fifth of May and I'm right there staring in your eyes
and nothing's changed, we're still the same
and I get lost in the innocence of a first kiss
and I'm hanging on to every word rolling off of your lips
and that's all it takes, and I'm in that place;
every time I hear your name.
but when I hear your name:
I feel rain falling right out of the blue sky
and it's the fifth of May and I'm right there staring in your eyes
and nothing's changed, we're still the same
and I get lost in the innocence of a first kiss
and I'm hanging on to every word rolling off of your lips
and that's all it takes, and I'm in that place;
every time I hear your name.
looking back when I should be looking forward.
She thinks I’ve got it together
She swears I’m as tough as nails
But I don’t have the heart to tell her
She don’t know me that well.
She don’t know how much I need her
She don’t know I’d fall apart
Without her kiss, without her touch
Without her faithful, loving arms
She don’t know that it’s all about her
She don’t know I can’t live without her
She’s my world, she’s my everything
And she thinks she needs me.
She swears I’m as tough as nails
But I don’t have the heart to tell her
She don’t know me that well.
She don’t know how much I need her
She don’t know I’d fall apart
Without her kiss, without her touch
Without her faithful, loving arms
She don’t know that it’s all about her
She don’t know I can’t live without her
She’s my world, she’s my everything
And she thinks she needs me.
they just don't make men like you.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I'm so mad right now. Not really, but a little bit. I've been talking to number twelve a bit lately and I just hate it because I actually love that kid so damn much. And I'm so thankful for the boys in the last three weeks because they've been so good about doing fun stuff and making me live it up and I totally have. I have seriously had the most incredible life for the last three weeks. I've been happier than I have in over a year. Like I'm just doing so well. But when I sit down after talking to him, I miss him. And I wish I didn't, but somehow, over a year later he's the one I go back to.
Today NB and I went for a drive and she was like straight up, I won't judge you, I just want to know the truth, have you and DK ever done ANYthing? And I was like honestly, no. I love DK and the most we've ever done is hugged and drunk cuddled hahaha. And I was like you know last time I was home (before Christmas break) and we hung out I was worried that I was going to start falling for the kid. I want him to find a nice girl that will treat him well, but I've come to the realization that I don't want to be that girl. I'm not into him like that. I mean don't get me wrong, the kid's a smokeshow. But he has slept with too many girls and it grosses me out. And the way that those boys treat girls in general bothers me. And usually I can laugh it up and chirp them, but seriously those girls just have issues. They don't have the self-confidence to force them to treat them better. (I'll tell you about my story last night after). It's just sad because I would never let someone treat me that way. I love the boys but they're still boys at the end of the day.
I'm so mad right now. Not really, but a little bit. I've been talking to number twelve a bit lately and I just hate it because I actually love that kid so damn much. And I'm so thankful for the boys in the last three weeks because they've been so good about doing fun stuff and making me live it up and I totally have. I have seriously had the most incredible life for the last three weeks. I've been happier than I have in over a year. Like I'm just doing so well. But when I sit down after talking to him, I miss him. And I wish I didn't, but somehow, over a year later he's the one I go back to.
Today NB and I went for a drive and she was like straight up, I won't judge you, I just want to know the truth, have you and DK ever done ANYthing? And I was like honestly, no. I love DK and the most we've ever done is hugged and drunk cuddled hahaha. And I was like you know last time I was home (before Christmas break) and we hung out I was worried that I was going to start falling for the kid. I want him to find a nice girl that will treat him well, but I've come to the realization that I don't want to be that girl. I'm not into him like that. I mean don't get me wrong, the kid's a smokeshow. But he has slept with too many girls and it grosses me out. And the way that those boys treat girls in general bothers me. And usually I can laugh it up and chirp them, but seriously those girls just have issues. They don't have the self-confidence to force them to treat them better. (I'll tell you about my story last night after). It's just sad because I would never let someone treat me that way. I love the boys but they're still boys at the end of the day.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
what a break.
I am more than mildly hungover today and I have no idea why. I only had like six drinks total the entire night and I feel like ballsack. I'm assuming it has more to do with ragging than being hungover and also I'd like to attribute it to the fact that I have had a shitload of alcohol in the last 3 weeks and I cannot wait to go back to healthy, nerd b. I'm so excited for school it's pathetic really. I have lots to talk about last night was soooo random and I legitimately hate DK's other roommate from one more than 30 second encounter with him and I'm so glad he isn't ever there and works away because he is a giant asshole and I want DK and MB to come back and make me love their place again. I have plenty to say but I have to go to Nana's for dinner now. peace, bro.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
I'm going to the gym in about 10 minutes and I am NOT going to forget my new gym shoes. I have literally forgotten them every day for a week. Like why did I even ask for them hahaa.
my friends are assholes, but funny nonetheless.
Oh haha story about PD and DK the other day.
So according to basically everyone I know, PD has a big dick and he's the kind of dbag that has to make that known. I've known that for like years but I just would never sleep with him so I don't even think about it. So the other night PD, DK and I were sitting in DK's living room and he made some comment about how big it is (the comment I didn't catch). The conversation continued like this:
DK: It's not about the size of the tool, it's how you use it.
PD: When was the last time you used it?
DK: Three weeks ago.
PD: Brutal. Try last night bro.
DK looks at me as I'm killing myself laughing: When was the last time you fucked a good-looking girl?
Both of us laugh hysterically.
So according to basically everyone I know, PD has a big dick and he's the kind of dbag that has to make that known. I've known that for like years but I just would never sleep with him so I don't even think about it. So the other night PD, DK and I were sitting in DK's living room and he made some comment about how big it is (the comment I didn't catch). The conversation continued like this:
DK: It's not about the size of the tool, it's how you use it.
PD: When was the last time you used it?
DK: Three weeks ago.
PD: Brutal. Try last night bro.
DK looks at me as I'm killing myself laughing: When was the last time you fucked a good-looking girl?
Both of us laugh hysterically.
bored and taken from s, again.
What is your favorite book?
The Giver, The DaVinci Code and A Time to Kill
What is your favorite movie?
As a child, 101 Dalmatians without a doubt. I don't know what I'd pick today. I still love A Cinderella Story despite how cheesy it is, and I love The Notebook (what a cop-out I know), Anchorman always makes me laugh and without a doubt Sex and the City.
What is your favorite song? I'm really into Lady Antebellum right now, particularly Friday Night. The stupid boys got me into that damn Carly Rae Jepsen song 'Call Me Maybe' hahaha. And also, as always a TSwift song, Sparks Fly.
Who is your hero?
I really look up to my parents in a lot of ways. My mom has this heart that you just cannot compare with, you cannot understand how someone can love the people she does so unconditionally. Dad has always been the secure one, and every once in awhile he gives a glimpse of the dad who would really protect me if necessary. I love my sister and despite a lot of the things I disagree with the way she handles, I really look up to her. Probably more than anyone, I look up to C, my other sister's husband. He has given me this belief in men and their ability to be incredible. He has provided unattainable standards and ingrained them in by ensuring that I know the way that the man I marry should and will treat me. He is content with providing enough to live comfortable and inspires me to find happiness in the little things.
If you could be any character from literature or film, who would you be?
Carrie Bradshaw. She gets her happy ending.
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
To be able to walk in someone else's shoes.
What is your favorite color?
Depends on the day you ask me.
Who is your best friend?
I use this term too loosely and I wish I didn't. I have some really great friends but my sister is my best friend... And my puppies!
How many kids do you want to have when you grow up?
None. But if I ended up having kids, I'd want 4.
What is your favorite game?
Drinking games: I love flip cup and beer pong.
Board games: I love every board game hahaha but my faves would be Ratrace, Monopoly or Things.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Enough. I want to be financially secure and happy with the type of person I become.
Where do you want to go to college?
My dream undergradate school was Duke University in the states. I've wanted to go there as long as I can remember. My ideal law school would be Harvard.
What are you good at?
I'm intuitive, I'm a decent writer but mostly, I'm good at being 'one of the guys'.
What is your favorite city in the world?
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. Or London, England. (At least that I've been so far).
What is your favorite food?
Apple Peanut Butter hahahahaha.
Reading or Writing?
I love both. We read more than we realize and I honestly love loosing myself in a book beside the fire but at the same time I'd go crazy if I couldn't express myself through words too.
TV or Sports?
Sports for sure.
Theatre or Cinema?
I actually really like the theatre. I'd rather cuddle on the couch if I'm going to watch a movie.
What is your favorite time of year?
Autumn, September is my favorite.
What do you call your grandmother?
Nana. I think everyone that knows her calls her that hahahaha.
Do you have any nicknames?
Too many to list.
If you could be any animal, which would you be?
A puppy, everyone loves puppies. Plus who wouldn't want someone that feeds you, gives you a massage and a place to sleep all the time hahaha. And all you have to do is love them unconditionally and protect them. Sounds fantastic.
What is your favorite subject in school?
I loved social studies and english and biology in high school. I really love history, psychology, native studies now. Actually I just love university in general.
Who is your favorite teacher?
Mr. Madsen in primary and secondary. Jay without a doubt in university. (But I also really loved my hot british soci teacher at u of c hahaha).
What is your favorite type of music?
Do you think there is life after death?
I'd like to believe that the people I love are looking down on me but I'm not really sure. I think we should try and be the best person we can be whether there's heaven, hell or a hole in the ground. John Steinbeck once said, "It seems to me if you or I must choose between two courses of thoughts or action we should remember our dying and try so to live, that our death brings no pleasure on the world".
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I'm not really sure how I feel about love right now.
What is the last book you read?
It was called "Red Wine" I believe hahahaha.
Did you enjoy it?
Duh... It's about wine.
What is the last movie you saw?
Last night I watched Hall Pass and it was hilarious. Right now I'm watching Miss Congeniality.
Did you enjoy it?
Miss Congeniality is a classic, so yes. And Hall Pass was honestly so funny although slightly awkward when there's a giant black dick followed by a tiny white boy dick and my dad is 4 feet away from me.
Earrings or Bracelets?
Earrings. I haaaate bracelets. But I only like very simple earrings. I'm VERY picky with my jewelry.
Jeans or Skirts?
Jeans without a doubt. But I want to be a successful woman that rocks the hell out of skirt suits some day.
Do you collect anything?
My writing.
If you could visit any country, where would you go?
Greece. (Or Poland, I really want to go to the concentration camps... I'm fucked, I know).
What is one of your dreams/goals?
I'd really like to own my own vineyard someday.
Have you ever failed a class?
No I feel like a 70 is an epic fail.
Have you ever gotten a 100 in a class?
Nope, close though.
Do you have any scars? How did you get them?
I have a discoloration on my leg from when I was little and I ate shit so hard running down a path with the dog bahaha. It wasn't funny at the time, but it is now. And I'm pretty sure I have some other scars because I am clutsy as fuck.
Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yep, more times than I'd like and for reasons that I'd never like to admit.
Have you ever stayed up all night?
Plenty of times. Hellooo it's university.
Do you cook anything well?
Oh my gosh, I love cooking so much. It makes me happy. I honestly wish I had a boy simply for the reason I could cook for him hahaha I always talk with AM about my fantastic meals. In fact, they're trying to convince me to cook for them one night and do DK's laundry. (Pft I'm not that whipped boys, but it was a hell of a try).
What was the last thing you did to help someone?
I spent some time with JP tonight, she's feeling a bit lonely I think.
You’re thinking about someone, aren’t you?
Kind of. But only because PD texted me about 10 minutes asking me if I've been, "wheeling" lately.
Have you held hands with anyone in the past 24 hours?
What would you do if your boyfriend/ girlfriend still kept pictures of their ex?
I would respect it unless they had like a shrine to them hahaha. I don't know, my ex was my best friend for years and he meant a lot to me, I'd be upset if someone asked me to get rid of some of our pictures.
What if your boyfriend/girlfriend went through your cellphone?
Honestly, the boys take my phone all the time to send douchey texts out. I could care less if they took it unless they were doing it because they didn't trust me.
What if your boyfriend/girlfriend was flirting with another girl/boy?
Pft if it's just flirting, it's harmless. Everyone likes the chase.
Ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with?
Yep. But if I don't stand a chance with them, they're not worth my time and thus, it's probably them that's not good enough for me.
You want someone/something?
We all want lots of things but there's nothing and no one I really need right now.
Is there really a difference between Coke and Pepsi? Yes but soda pop isn't good for you so I avoid it anyways.
Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now?
Was the last person you hugged a male or female?
Female and she bought me dinner so suck it. bahahahahaha this is funny because it was my friend's mom.
Does someone like you right now?
I don't think so but I'm alright with that.
Are there any mistakes with your recent ex you wish you could have changed?
Oh sure, it's easy to look back and want to change things but at the end of the day I am who I am because of the mistakes I've made and I can't change it. I'm pretty happy right now so I'd like to keep it just the way it is.
Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up?
Yes but it's so disgusting. I hate puking and I hate when other people puke. (Still a bit bitter about the little fucker that puked on me).
Background on your cell phone?
I actually just changed it. Usually it's mouse, but then I changed it to the farm and literally like 20 minutes ago I changed it to my top three boys and myself.
Have you cried recently?
Actually, no. I can't remember the last time I cried.
What was the last thing you said to someone?
Out loud I thanked Mrs. P for her hospitality. Last thing I texted PD was, "well, basically I'm loving life single right now. end of story".
Who has hurt you the most?
Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now?
Yes,single and content.
What language do you want to learn?
Italian and German.
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Yep. I don't really like them though.
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?
I like to playfight with the boys if that counts.
Would you rather be rich, or famous?
Rich. I'd get annoyed of people trying to know my shit.
Are you hurting anywhere?
Yeah I'm pretty sore from the gym and the bed I hateee here.
Are you depressed?
Nope I'm pretty happy actually.
Reason behind the last time you cried?
I don't honestly remember the last time I cried. Maybe the anniversary of Nana's death.
Reason behind the last time you laughed really hard?
Oh my gosh ME and I died tonight reminiscing over our day the other day. And the funniest night of my life at DK's and I have another funny story about DK and PD but I'll put it in another post.
Do you believe that you can change someone?
Nah, try as you might you can only change yourself.
What are your plans for your next birthday?
I really, really want to go to Vegas to see Garth Brooks.
Do you ignore people when you’re mad/upset with them?
Kind of. I'm the kind of person that if you leave me alone for a day or two, I'll probably be over it anyways. Unless you really fucked up, then I will ignore you or flip the fuck out.
Is there someone you’d like to fix things with?
No one in particular but if I could, I'd apologize to all the people I've hurt, especially the ones I never realized I was hurting.
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
Yes, I don't even want to cheat again. Worst feeling of my life.
The Giver, The DaVinci Code and A Time to Kill
What is your favorite movie?
As a child, 101 Dalmatians without a doubt. I don't know what I'd pick today. I still love A Cinderella Story despite how cheesy it is, and I love The Notebook (what a cop-out I know), Anchorman always makes me laugh and without a doubt Sex and the City.
What is your favorite song? I'm really into Lady Antebellum right now, particularly Friday Night. The stupid boys got me into that damn Carly Rae Jepsen song 'Call Me Maybe' hahaha. And also, as always a TSwift song, Sparks Fly.
Who is your hero?
I really look up to my parents in a lot of ways. My mom has this heart that you just cannot compare with, you cannot understand how someone can love the people she does so unconditionally. Dad has always been the secure one, and every once in awhile he gives a glimpse of the dad who would really protect me if necessary. I love my sister and despite a lot of the things I disagree with the way she handles, I really look up to her. Probably more than anyone, I look up to C, my other sister's husband. He has given me this belief in men and their ability to be incredible. He has provided unattainable standards and ingrained them in by ensuring that I know the way that the man I marry should and will treat me. He is content with providing enough to live comfortable and inspires me to find happiness in the little things.
If you could be any character from literature or film, who would you be?
Carrie Bradshaw. She gets her happy ending.
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
To be able to walk in someone else's shoes.
What is your favorite color?
Depends on the day you ask me.
Who is your best friend?
I use this term too loosely and I wish I didn't. I have some really great friends but my sister is my best friend... And my puppies!
How many kids do you want to have when you grow up?
None. But if I ended up having kids, I'd want 4.
What is your favorite game?
Drinking games: I love flip cup and beer pong.
Board games: I love every board game hahaha but my faves would be Ratrace, Monopoly or Things.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Enough. I want to be financially secure and happy with the type of person I become.
Where do you want to go to college?
My dream undergradate school was Duke University in the states. I've wanted to go there as long as I can remember. My ideal law school would be Harvard.
What are you good at?
I'm intuitive, I'm a decent writer but mostly, I'm good at being 'one of the guys'.
What is your favorite city in the world?
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. Or London, England. (At least that I've been so far).
What is your favorite food?
Apple Peanut Butter hahahahaha.
Reading or Writing?
I love both. We read more than we realize and I honestly love loosing myself in a book beside the fire but at the same time I'd go crazy if I couldn't express myself through words too.
TV or Sports?
Sports for sure.
Theatre or Cinema?
I actually really like the theatre. I'd rather cuddle on the couch if I'm going to watch a movie.
What is your favorite time of year?
Autumn, September is my favorite.
What do you call your grandmother?
Nana. I think everyone that knows her calls her that hahahaha.
Do you have any nicknames?
Too many to list.
If you could be any animal, which would you be?
A puppy, everyone loves puppies. Plus who wouldn't want someone that feeds you, gives you a massage and a place to sleep all the time hahaha. And all you have to do is love them unconditionally and protect them. Sounds fantastic.
What is your favorite subject in school?
I loved social studies and english and biology in high school. I really love history, psychology, native studies now. Actually I just love university in general.
Who is your favorite teacher?
Mr. Madsen in primary and secondary. Jay without a doubt in university. (But I also really loved my hot british soci teacher at u of c hahaha).
What is your favorite type of music?
Do you think there is life after death?
I'd like to believe that the people I love are looking down on me but I'm not really sure. I think we should try and be the best person we can be whether there's heaven, hell or a hole in the ground. John Steinbeck once said, "It seems to me if you or I must choose between two courses of thoughts or action we should remember our dying and try so to live, that our death brings no pleasure on the world".
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I'm not really sure how I feel about love right now.
What is the last book you read?
It was called "Red Wine" I believe hahahaha.
Did you enjoy it?
Duh... It's about wine.
What is the last movie you saw?
Last night I watched Hall Pass and it was hilarious. Right now I'm watching Miss Congeniality.
Did you enjoy it?
Miss Congeniality is a classic, so yes. And Hall Pass was honestly so funny although slightly awkward when there's a giant black dick followed by a tiny white boy dick and my dad is 4 feet away from me.
Earrings or Bracelets?
Earrings. I haaaate bracelets. But I only like very simple earrings. I'm VERY picky with my jewelry.
Jeans or Skirts?
Jeans without a doubt. But I want to be a successful woman that rocks the hell out of skirt suits some day.
Do you collect anything?
My writing.
If you could visit any country, where would you go?
Greece. (Or Poland, I really want to go to the concentration camps... I'm fucked, I know).
What is one of your dreams/goals?
I'd really like to own my own vineyard someday.
Have you ever failed a class?
No I feel like a 70 is an epic fail.
Have you ever gotten a 100 in a class?
Nope, close though.
Do you have any scars? How did you get them?
I have a discoloration on my leg from when I was little and I ate shit so hard running down a path with the dog bahaha. It wasn't funny at the time, but it is now. And I'm pretty sure I have some other scars because I am clutsy as fuck.
Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yep, more times than I'd like and for reasons that I'd never like to admit.
Have you ever stayed up all night?
Plenty of times. Hellooo it's university.
Do you cook anything well?
Oh my gosh, I love cooking so much. It makes me happy. I honestly wish I had a boy simply for the reason I could cook for him hahaha I always talk with AM about my fantastic meals. In fact, they're trying to convince me to cook for them one night and do DK's laundry. (Pft I'm not that whipped boys, but it was a hell of a try).
What was the last thing you did to help someone?
I spent some time with JP tonight, she's feeling a bit lonely I think.
You’re thinking about someone, aren’t you?
Kind of. But only because PD texted me about 10 minutes asking me if I've been, "wheeling" lately.
Have you held hands with anyone in the past 24 hours?
What would you do if your boyfriend/ girlfriend still kept pictures of their ex?
I would respect it unless they had like a shrine to them hahaha. I don't know, my ex was my best friend for years and he meant a lot to me, I'd be upset if someone asked me to get rid of some of our pictures.
What if your boyfriend/girlfriend went through your cellphone?
Honestly, the boys take my phone all the time to send douchey texts out. I could care less if they took it unless they were doing it because they didn't trust me.
What if your boyfriend/girlfriend was flirting with another girl/boy?
Pft if it's just flirting, it's harmless. Everyone likes the chase.
Ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with?
Yep. But if I don't stand a chance with them, they're not worth my time and thus, it's probably them that's not good enough for me.
You want someone/something?
We all want lots of things but there's nothing and no one I really need right now.
Is there really a difference between Coke and Pepsi? Yes but soda pop isn't good for you so I avoid it anyways.
Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now?
Was the last person you hugged a male or female?
Female and she bought me dinner so suck it. bahahahahaha this is funny because it was my friend's mom.
Does someone like you right now?
I don't think so but I'm alright with that.
Are there any mistakes with your recent ex you wish you could have changed?
Oh sure, it's easy to look back and want to change things but at the end of the day I am who I am because of the mistakes I've made and I can't change it. I'm pretty happy right now so I'd like to keep it just the way it is.
Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up?
Yes but it's so disgusting. I hate puking and I hate when other people puke. (Still a bit bitter about the little fucker that puked on me).
Background on your cell phone?
I actually just changed it. Usually it's mouse, but then I changed it to the farm and literally like 20 minutes ago I changed it to my top three boys and myself.
Have you cried recently?
Actually, no. I can't remember the last time I cried.
What was the last thing you said to someone?
Out loud I thanked Mrs. P for her hospitality. Last thing I texted PD was, "well, basically I'm loving life single right now. end of story".
Who has hurt you the most?
Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now?
Yes,single and content.
What language do you want to learn?
Italian and German.
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Yep. I don't really like them though.
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?
I like to playfight with the boys if that counts.
Would you rather be rich, or famous?
Rich. I'd get annoyed of people trying to know my shit.
Are you hurting anywhere?
Yeah I'm pretty sore from the gym and the bed I hateee here.
Are you depressed?
Nope I'm pretty happy actually.
Reason behind the last time you cried?
I don't honestly remember the last time I cried. Maybe the anniversary of Nana's death.
Reason behind the last time you laughed really hard?
Oh my gosh ME and I died tonight reminiscing over our day the other day. And the funniest night of my life at DK's and I have another funny story about DK and PD but I'll put it in another post.
Do you believe that you can change someone?
Nah, try as you might you can only change yourself.
What are your plans for your next birthday?
I really, really want to go to Vegas to see Garth Brooks.
Do you ignore people when you’re mad/upset with them?
Kind of. I'm the kind of person that if you leave me alone for a day or two, I'll probably be over it anyways. Unless you really fucked up, then I will ignore you or flip the fuck out.
Is there someone you’d like to fix things with?
No one in particular but if I could, I'd apologize to all the people I've hurt, especially the ones I never realized I was hurting.
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
Yes, I don't even want to cheat again. Worst feeling of my life.
Monday, January 2, 2012
smarties please.
I seriously cannot explain how much I love smarties. They are like tiny bites of deliciousness. They are like incredible pieces of heaven. I could seriously use every adjective that describes food and rant about how wonderful smarties are for hours, but, I'll spare you and leave you with they are simply incredible.
so long gorgeous.
I said goodbye to HJR today. It wasn't as sad at I thought because I think I just don't realize she's gone for six months. JP is pretty upset but I plan to spend lots of time with her this week, I'm going over there later tonight after dinner with Momma E. So we'll see how it goes tonight. She just needs a friend for when life fals back into routine. Hopefully she'll just dive into school and work hard and play hard.
I'm going to dinner with Momma E right away so I should really go finish getting ready but I'm doing well and happy and just kind of loving life these days. I don't know if I mentioned talking to number twelve yesterday but I feel alright today. I mean it'd be nice to see him but at the end of the day, I know it's probably better if I don't.
I'm going to dinner with Momma E right away so I should really go finish getting ready but I'm doing well and happy and just kind of loving life these days. I don't know if I mentioned talking to number twelve yesterday but I feel alright today. I mean it'd be nice to see him but at the end of the day, I know it's probably better if I don't.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
oh the things I would do.
I'm watchign The Proposal right now and I seriously want to marry Ryan Reynolds.

hall pass.
Also, if you haven't seen the movie Hall Pass, see it. It is absolutely effin hilarious. I seriously watched it with B and dadddy and it was so inappropriate but so funny. We were all laughing like the whole time. (okay I may have some nyquil in me and thought it was extra funny but they laughed pretty hard too).
happy new year.
Well, Happy New Year. I actually had a pretty lame new year's but I'm really okay with it. I always feel like people get their hopes up too high which ultimately ends in disappointment. I didn't have great expectations for last night so it wasn't bad.
I feel like at this time of year everyone starts reminiscing on the past year and all the resolutions they made and didn't follow. They bitch about all the things that went wrong in their year and all the things they don't have. And I'll be perfectly honest, you've read this. 2011 kicked my ass. Up until the last few weeks, I had a hell of a year. But I learned so much and I have grown and changed and found new reasons and new ways to be happy. I forgot how much fun I have doing the little things like going out with friends sober, being the designated driver, making fun of the boys, going out for lunch with the girls.
I had a hell of a year, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Instead of going over all of the bad things, I want to reminisce on how much I learned and loved and the friendships I made and the ones that grew and changed and bettered me and my life.
Today I read old facebook messages from number 12 and I and him and I talked all day. It was so funny because they were from like grade 11 before we started dating and it's so funny. Like just so ridiculous to look back at how we started.
This year, I want to really open myself up to opportunities in the world. I want to be open to trying to things and meeting new people that can teach me new things. At the same time, I want to remember the girl I used to be and devote some of myself to that. The girl that's happy and fun and loves her family and friends more than anything. I've been selfish this year, only it didn't benefit me, so I want to be more self-less. I want to do more, be more. I don't mean it in the let's make a long list of resolutions I'm not going to follow. Instead, I just want to strive to be better, to laugh more, to love more, to indulge in simple pleasures and really love life.
I don't want to force myself to follow a set of strict rules, I want to take in each and every day as it comes and find the beauty in the world. I want to stress less and live it up more. Hell, I'm 20 years old with the world in front of me. There's no time like the present to find the beauty in it and make it mine.
I feel like at this time of year everyone starts reminiscing on the past year and all the resolutions they made and didn't follow. They bitch about all the things that went wrong in their year and all the things they don't have. And I'll be perfectly honest, you've read this. 2011 kicked my ass. Up until the last few weeks, I had a hell of a year. But I learned so much and I have grown and changed and found new reasons and new ways to be happy. I forgot how much fun I have doing the little things like going out with friends sober, being the designated driver, making fun of the boys, going out for lunch with the girls.
I had a hell of a year, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Instead of going over all of the bad things, I want to reminisce on how much I learned and loved and the friendships I made and the ones that grew and changed and bettered me and my life.
Today I read old facebook messages from number 12 and I and him and I talked all day. It was so funny because they were from like grade 11 before we started dating and it's so funny. Like just so ridiculous to look back at how we started.
This year, I want to really open myself up to opportunities in the world. I want to be open to trying to things and meeting new people that can teach me new things. At the same time, I want to remember the girl I used to be and devote some of myself to that. The girl that's happy and fun and loves her family and friends more than anything. I've been selfish this year, only it didn't benefit me, so I want to be more self-less. I want to do more, be more. I don't mean it in the let's make a long list of resolutions I'm not going to follow. Instead, I just want to strive to be better, to laugh more, to love more, to indulge in simple pleasures and really love life.
I don't want to force myself to follow a set of strict rules, I want to take in each and every day as it comes and find the beauty in the world. I want to stress less and live it up more. Hell, I'm 20 years old with the world in front of me. There's no time like the present to find the beauty in it and make it mine.
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