Thursday, February 5, 2015

Let's consider this lesson learned.

It would be a fine proposition if I were a stupid girl. But honey, I am no one's exception, this I have previously learned.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Sometimes you just get lucky. Sometimes you find the most incredible people to build you up each day and make you smile in the most unconventional of ways.

Monday, February 2, 2015

If that isn't the epitome of 12 and I, I don't know what is.

Arsenal mints to add to the buffet.

He's back and he's such a brat but FUCK I LOVE HIM. So tonight he comes in just to stop by for a brief moment and he's like I didn't find you a zip up jacket, I'm sorry! I'm like no worries! So he comes up behind me all sneakily and says, but I brought you something! And pulls out two things from his pockets: Arsenal mints and an Arsenal lanyard. He's like aren't the mints just perfect! I cracked up because mints are like a long-standing joke from before his birthday.
Then he came into the back and says sooo are you going to change your lanyard already to Arsenal and get rid of that stupid one or what? I'm like you gave it to me like 2 minutes ago and it's Duke so shush! But yes I'll change it later for you.
So when I got home I sent him a picture of it on my keys with the caption "satisfied?" And he's like yes but you need to iron it.
Haha he's such a brat but he is so incredibly endearing. He has my heart and he knows it.

So it's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames.

I am so stupid. I am so consciously aware of how much he affects me and yet I still allow him to.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

I can see the end as it begins.

I think I need to go back to focusing on what makes me happy and think a little less about his validation.