Saturday, June 27, 2015


He's so stupid. After I left on Thursday night, he went out with his friends. So on Friday morning he was like can I drive your jeep? I left my car at work. And I was like of course.
So last night I was like hung today or what? And he's like not just today, always. Oh, you mean hungover?
Haha the funny thing is I KNOW he is hung because I can see it when we're in the office and he's wearing his dress pants. S and I have talked about it before and it just makes me laugh how stupid he is.

Thank fucking GOSH.

I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY OUR TRIP IS BOOOOKKEEDDDD. I cannot wait to lay on a beach for 7 days and not be interrupted by anyone.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

So much to do.

I am fucking EXHAUSTED.

My love.

He's been so funny lately. Like Monday when I was there was nice and he told me to visit Dukey more. Then tonight he was in a great  mood playing around, smacking my hand and calling me, "my love".

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Interesting thoughts.

Again tonight he says to me, HAVE YOU SEEN MY BEDROOM YET?!?!

I have wine.

I know I'm overthinking it. I KNOW I AM. But I honestly have no idea what J wants from me. I don't know what he sees us as. We talked about some stuff tonight and like a girl from work called him while I was there so he kind of told me about the situation because obviously I was right there and knew a good portion of it already. And then after I left he texted me like please don't say anything to ANYONE about that. I know what girls are like and I don't need to get involved in that.
And I was like sooo I should take the Facebook post down then eh?
And he's just like ha, clearly unimpressed with my joke but he has MADE that joke before when I've asked him not to say something to someone about something him and I have spoken about.
I was like look, don't take this the wrong way because it has no reflection on you but I try to minimize speaking about any interactions I have with you outside of work with anyone from work because I know what girls are like and I don't need the headache.
And he's like Yes, good.
And I know he's probably thinking about it the same way I am but sometimes it's like are you ashamed that you and I hang out? Like do you not want people to know because of what they might say or because you like to keep me at a certain distance and other people knowing would impede on that.
But at the same time like why would he be like "you can come over, Duke will love it, I have wine!" if he didn't want to hang out. Like you are dangling two of my favourite things in my face, you clearly know that I'm going to come over.
And like I know that he talks to JB but I wish that he wasn't texting her while I was there. And I know they have a different relationship but still. It's things like that that just make me feel like one of his bitches. Flavour of the week. Or in his case, flavour of the night.

Monday, June 22, 2015


So I'm on the patio serving  table and I turn around and C (M aka Court's best friend) is there so I of course say hello. So I talk to him for a second and he's like I'm so glad I saw you, it totally reminded me to invite M!
And I like awkwardly giggled like uhhh hah I'm glad I remind you of him or something awkward and b-lined inside.
Like really, that's what you just said out loud. Hey B, I know it's not awkward for you at all that you slept with my best friend on the first date and he's now dating another girl who works for your employers BUT you remind me of him so I'm going to remind you of your interaction with him.

We have a relationship based on Dukey.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Crisis averted, I think.

Okay so I was really concerned about asking J to Galapagos. Crisis averted. (Kind of).
My sister is going to come now and honestly I KNOW we will have an EPIC time so I am SO happy. But if I'm honest, a little piece of me wanted to ask J. A piece of me wanted it to be him. A piece of me wanted to know what would happen because it would solidify things one way or the other. I think that's the hardest part sometimes and that would've been very telling.
Needless to say I am BEYOND excited to go with my sister, it's still SO surreal.

I must admit, it's pretty nice.

He's been so silly lately. He's been so much more like he used to be.