Saturday, August 2, 2014

I still believe the best walk you'll ever take is walking down the aisle.

I still believe in fairytales
I still believe in picking flowers
I still believe in getting lost in someone's eyes and talking for hours
I still believe in shooting stars
I still believe in midnight drives and butterflies right before you kiss for the very first time

Love, how many times can my heart break
Love, how much weight can a soul take
Love, I don't know where you ran off too
But, love, love, love: I still believe in you.

Why do I have to be so inside my head.

I wish I knew what his situation with B was. Like I know she gets around but I wonder if they're still sleeping together. He has her dog right now because she's in Vegas and I just wonder what their sitch is.

Search cancer virgo horoscope pairings.

I hope he's falling for me the way I'm falling for him.

Hit or miss.

We are so alike in so many ways. And I sometimes wonder if I'm crazy but I cannot be the only one who feels the way that I do. I'm terrified that I am. I over-analyze and I have 1000 theories and rationalizations.
But then tonight they were trying to hook him up with a girl and he's like no. And they're like she's your type and he's like ya she is my type but it's awkward.
I just don't know where he's at. Some days he's so incredibly interested and other days you'd think he could care less. And I know that's typical of cancer men, the moodiness and abundance of emotions. It's difficult for me though because my head is over thinking everything that my heart is telling me to overlook.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Nice guys finish last too.

Today was nice. He told me about how his day started to cheer me up this morning. So 8am, this guy who used to work there that got fired texted J and was like it's your fault I can't make rent this month. I'm just a single dad trying to make ends meet. I know that you help other people out, I cannot believe you won't help me. And I'm the best chef and you're loosing out.
I don't know specifically what he said to this guy but to me J was like how is any of this my fault? I gave you 600$ last month like ? You had 4 weeks to figure out how to make ends meet? And I know you smoke and drink.
I felt bad for J. It really bothers me the way that people treat J sometimes and the way that they expect stuff from him because he has money. I don't understand how that makes him
I said to him that I thought it was unfair that this guy was saying these things to him because I feel like if I went to J and was like J, I really need your help with __________. And I said that to him, I was like I feel like if I came to you in a respectful and responsible way, you'd help me out. J was like ABSOLUTELY I would. I would do whatever I could to help you.
And I think that's what makes it tough. That's why it bothers me that people expect stuff from him. I mean I would have to be in an incredibly terrible place to ever approach him to borrow money or something like that. I cannot even imagine a situation in which I'd do that. But the fact that he would, is what makes him so incredible. Nice guys finish last. He's nice and unfortunately, people take advantage of him for it too. And in his case, he ends up financially getting screwed a lot of the time.

Nice girls finish last.

The other day S and I were talking on the drive home and she told me that she had a conversation with NB about me and they said that I am the type of person that would drop everything if someone called me at 3am. That meant the world to me.
I also told her about the day I was scammed at work by that guy and how J told me not to change.

I think that's something that is so difficult for me in life sometimes. I feel like I get fucked over a lot because I am too nice. I am always willing to help others and I don't feel like it is reciprocated a lot of the time. I feel like I get taken advantage of because I'm always willing to put others first.
I would just like for something to work out in favour for me.

Forgot to post this a few days ago.

I admire the way he conducts business. I admire the restraint he maintains when people speak to him the way that they do. I admire the way he treats me and the rest of his staff. I admire how much shit he takes from customers when in reality he is 29 years old and further in his life than most people. I admire him.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Love those boys.

Today T said one of the funniest things anyone has ever said to/about me in my entire life. I actually died laughing. Yesterday I wore a dress that was not extremely scandalous but for me it was incredibly revealing. It is a fitted sleeveless black dress that is pretty short and has cutouts around the ribs and back that are like tule. So yesterday he's like DAMN, you look good! You should always wear that. And later J was like B, is that a new dress? I was like yep, why? He's like I LOVE it! Sleezy though!
You can't wear it during the day. I'm like obviously! We spoke about it all night but I was super self-conscious. T was like you shouldn't be self-conscious, you should be incredibly confident!
So today I said something about his jeans and he's like well look at you. Not dressed quite as scandalous as yesterday! He's like you should have seen B yesterday... customers were like is she on the menu too? How much?
I actually died laughing. The tone of voice and his mannerisms were top notch. He is so funny.


So today I was doing some stuff for teaching and I needed to scan some things but my scanner wasn't working so I texted him and asked if he would do it. Now these are very important documents including my criminal record check and teaching certificate so they are basically the deciding factor in me being able to teach in the fall versus staying and working for him. So tonight he takes them for me and this is the text I receive when he gets home.

Yours in Christ.

Can I just tell you how much I fucking love him? Like I actually burst out laughing when I read this.

Thanks friends.

I think some days it's just nice to be told you look great. Yesterday was one of those days that the compliments were really what I needed.

Monday, July 28, 2014


When I got to work today I apologized to J for being a whiny bitch yesterday. He's like I was a whiny bitch too don't even worry about it! He's like I was sitting ay home thinking about how shitty of a day it was and that's why I texted you. I thought about how brutal I felt about the day and realized your day was even worse.
It means the world to me that he said anything last night. It means the world that he tonight he backed me. Yesterday he also bought me a juice and encouraged me to sit down during my shift. We have spent a lot of time together this week. I honestly just admire him so much.

I needed that so much last night.