Saturday, June 2, 2018

A little late

I had a moment today where I realized the magnitude of the decision we made. We're moving in together. And until now, no part of it has phased me. I had no major concerns, no worries. We really haven't had any major blow outs of fights. A few arguments, a few disagreements of course, but nothing unkind or attacking.
I've been grumpy the last few days. The stress of everything  going on right now is really getting to me. Moving has been the biggest headache. I'm already out of my place because the girl I was living with put her house up for sale. Having a dog is not conducive to selling a house because I can't leave work on an hour's notice and pick him up. My stuff is mostly there; clothes and such here at a friend's house. We don't get possession of our place until April 1. The possession date for the place all of my stuff is in March 20.
So basically I have to move twice. Huge pain in the ass. I emailed my new landlord and I am PRAYING that he can somehow move up his possession date, so we can move up our move-in date. In the grand scheme of things, it probably won't save me money because we'll have to pay half a month's rent, however-- it will save me the hassle of moving TWICE.
The other idea my dad had is one of those moving storage containers. But those are expensive so that's going to cost like 600 bucks and there's nowhere really to even put it on either property so that's not really helpful either.
I just want to curl up in a ball and bawl. It's such a hassle. I just want to cry. I'm living in a place (rent-free, so I appreciate that)

I don't think anything has ever resonated more.

"One of the most validating things I have ever experienced was this counsellor telling me something along the lines of, "I think you know that your parents are never going to be what you need them to be. Even if your friends' parents and your partner's parents are to them what they need of them. You need to establish boundaries between yourself and them and stop giving them so much when you don't receive the same in return".