Saturday, January 30, 2016


This week I was offered a club basketball coaching job and he wants to fly me to Vegas for a coaching clinic.
A part of me thinks fuck I don't know enough about basketball for this but a part of me thinks, what an opportunity. Someone like him, who knows so much about basketball sees an opportunity for coaching for me. It's pretty amazing to be honest because he is incredibly knowledgable about basketball. It's smart on his part because I'm young, and single and obviously would be able to make the time commitment, for quite some time to come. I'm a good investment as a coach.
I was really honoured when he asked me. I was honoured because that means B and K and D and M all speak very highly of me. It means they really do respect me. And D tells me all the time that I'm a part of the boys club but it's sometimes doesn't feel that way.
I'm looking at the clinic I think it would be and honestly it's an amazing opportunity. I would be crazy not to take it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


This is what I wished for. 

Your bed.

We're both here tonight. It's nice. I got home today around 5 to let the big baby out and he was already home. He's like hi! How was your day?! This is yours! Pointing to a hoodie on the stairs. "It's blue like you said you wanted." 
I knew he would get one but I hate that he feels like I want something. I mean I do want him to bring me something from his trips but not because I want something material from him. I just like knowing he's thinking of me while he's gone. 
So I said I am in a rush is it okay if I get my stuff later and he's like, you're not staying here? I was like well if it's ok I will but I don't want to intrude. He's like no stay, I need you for Duke tomorrow. 
So we spent the night watching the bachelor, drinking and chatting. 
I love nights like this with him. I just wish I was in his bed instead of my own. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Thoughts I can't say out loud.

I love his house. I love his dog. I love being here. I sleep so soundly here. I am so content when I'm here. I love him and here feels like home.