Saturday, November 1, 2014

I love this girl.

I don't know what to do.

The whole boss and having my heart thing is tough. It's really starting to get to me.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Show me off.

Both of his brothers called him while we were there in the hour that we were there. He didn't answer when T called first then he's so polite and was like do you mind if I call him back? I'm like no it's fine. Then when we were getting back to the dealership he's like TBM (his other brother) is calling, sorry! Both asked who he was with and T doesn't really know me but he said he was at Chrysler test driving vehicles. I think I've only met him like once or twice. And then TBM (the BM stands for boss man hahah) called and he said I'm just test driving a Jeep with B. I would give ANYthing to hear what TBM had to say about that. I'm sure that TBM isn't going to let that one go but I love that J wasn't ashamed to say he's with me. That type of thing is really important to me. It would probably be easier for both of us if he didn't say something but I am happy he told TBM that.
I think that's something that is probably at the top of my list. I remember the first time I went to Jay's house TBM said something about my scar and I blamed J and J was so open and honest about it. He's like yeah she came over to see Duke.
I want to be with someone who is proud to be with me, someone who wants to tell people he's spending time with me. I never want to be with someone who is ashamed of me.


Silly boy.

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We are so funny.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Love Jimmy!

"Thank you first dates... or as I like to call you: lying contests".
-Jimmy Fallon

I am dying laughing right now.