Yesterday waa a great day. I love my job and I love some of the people I work with. Yesterday morning I worked at 10am. I was absolutely exhausted when I got there because I worked 11 hours Friday. So as I'm taking the chair down J's like morning B, you okay? I'm like yep just tired. He's like well, you don't look tired, you look great. Are you a morning person? Or anything like me and not happy right now? I'm like no I like mornings. He's like well good because you look Friday night great, while I'm over here nasty and haven't showered.
Cue a minor melt inside.
Later in the evening he's like come here and he hands me some cash. "Thank you for having amazing a million amazing comment cards". I'm like J, you don't have to give me money it's my job to do well. He's like yeah I know that's why I'm giving you this because you don't expect it. Tell other girls I did this so they work as hard as you because they need incentive. Tell everyone! I'm going to post them all on the wall and highlight your name. I'm like oh perfect maybe girls will shut up now and realize this is why I get a good section all the time. He's like EXACTLY.
Later last night he's like wow that brunette is smokin'. I'm like yes she's gorgeous. He's like she has such nice curves. Then he was drinking sprite and cranberry cocktail and I'm like J, nooo. He's like I know B but I need some sugar. I argued with him about how bad that kind of sugar is for him and we walked about how he's been so stressed and not eating so I told him I was going to start bringing him food when I bring my lunch. And he looked at me he's like I know, I need a girlfriend to take care of me.