Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I want a boy to love me this much.

I'll be the greatest fan of your love.

Heavy hearts.

You know those days that you know when you wake up are going to be emotionally hard? That's how I feel today. Just heavy.

Not sure pride is what I should feel. Cowardice maybe.

I surprise myself. After all the times, as drunk as we've gotten, I've never officially admitted my feelings about J to CG. She absolutely knows but I've never outwardly, drunkenly admitted it. And for that, I'm proud.

Story after story.

I really miss him tonight.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Heart of Darkness.

I miss him a little bit today. Not as much as I thought I would by now. I definitely miss talking to him though. It's little things. I think at this point I feel more disappointed and morose than hurt. It bothers me that it doesn't bother him that we haven't spoken. It's little things in conversation and his silly mannerisms and wit that I miss.
I feel more content than I thought. I know I need to remain strong. If I have to cry myself to sleep, so be it. I need him to make an effort.
I'm torn because I always think about how straightforward S is with boys. No mind games: if I like you, I like you. End of story.
I utilitze that attitude when it suits me. When I want to text him but I feel like I shouldn't, I convince myself: if you wsnt to talk to him, just talk to him.
Something is holding me back though. I think it's a combination of things. I don't know. I'm going to burry my head in a book now so I can ignore my heart.

Hard truths.

TBM: B, you're a strong girl.
Me: I know, but maybe that's the problem.
TBM: Maybe it is.

Maybe it's best you leave me alone.

Your subtleties, they strangle me.
I can't explain myself at all.

Stay beautiful.

You're beautiful, every little piece love. And don't you know, you're really going to be someone; ask anyone.