Thursday, January 22, 2015

No shortage of scars.

Scars only show us where we've been. They do not dictate where we are going.

Courage or stupidity?

I sometines wonder what would happen if I texted him, "I love you".

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I pray I've impacted someone the way you've impacted me.

It's funny how much someone can impact your life.


I have a love/hate relationship with the idea that I will physically carry a part of him with me every day for the rest of my life. The idea of his permanent impact on me will be physically visible for the rest of my days.

What a jerk, a funny jerk.

On Monday, I started tanning again so I was talking to J and I was like aw I'm so sad...He's like why? I'm like well I texted K (girl who's in love with him, claims they nearly dated, started all the rumors about us sleeping together, etc.) today to ask about the only thing she'd be able to give advice on: tanning and she deleted my number or she pretended to delete my number haha. J was like B get real... do you really thinm someone who doesn't shower daily takes the time to clean out her phone contacts?
I nearly died hahahaha this girl is so gross she's been nicknamed dirt squirrel. She's the type of person to go out and get smashed and sleep with a dude and then like go on about her day reapplying makeup/hairspray/perfume without showering.


This morning on my drive i realized something: his money scares me.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

She take my mooonneeeyyy.

Two people tagged me in this within half hour of one another... coincidence: I think not!

Some stuff on the Internet is gold!

"Uncultured swine" hahahahaahahahaha 

Monday, January 19, 2015

We're funny.

So today one of the drains in the kitchen  started backing up and the kitchen just  started loosing  it and they  were like we're not making this bill and like threw it on the counter. "We are not working in these conditions!" ... So a few minutes later J is like trying  to sort it out and he's  got a mop in his expensive  as fuck  outfit and shoes cleaning it up and I'm like I know you're  stressed buuut is the kitchen  going to make my bill?  He's like yeah they just  had a bit of a flip out for a minute  but they're over it.
So later they're  still being dramatic about it and overreacting to everything and this one girl is being ridiculous  like told J she  dropped something on her broken rib and  acting like she's  dying. I look at J and say, "okay so I know  the  Academy Awards are coming up but this is a bit much". He bursts  out laughing  he's  like I made the exact  comment to the kitchen... We don't  need to go being all dramatic  trying  to win an award. 
Plus this girl should've gone home if she was in too much pain which  is exactly what I  said to J and he's like or don't drink 5 drinks after work. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Freshly fucked.

Tonight J said to me I like your hair like that and I laughed like for real? He's like yeah, it looks like you had sex in an alley then came straight to work without fixing your hair! I laughed and he says it suits you so well because you are such a slut!
I nearly choked because I wanted to say ya my hair does look like this because I had sex this morning and I had to wash it but didn't have time to do it. He made some other slut comments about how that's exactly what describes me slutty come to work immediately following sex and I wanted to be like if only you knew.

I'm such an idiot.

This morning we were talking about Arsenal's win and we were so excited and he's like ahhhhh I don't know what to do... and this autocorrect made me laugh so hard and the smartass J is also made me laugh.

Practically perfect in every way.