Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hit the gym bro

This is what I do after I dance around my house for an hour and a half because in really awesome. Protein shake and pills are vitamin C, iron, and fats.

dancing is the magic that lives inside of me.

I'm so fucking sweet hahahah. I just spent the last hour and a bit dancing around my living room in a sports bra and shorts just living it up. It was so fun haha. I have really been missing dance lately so instead of heading to the gym today I just danced my heart out. I wish I was a better dancer. Like I wish I had've tried harder and learned proper technique. Oh well I found the greatest party playlist on 8tracks and I'm pretty satisfied with my life right now. I have to go get ready for work now.


I love my roommate. He's such a prick but he's so good to me. This morning I was up at 630 wide awake and I have no idea why. Last night I kept talking about how excited I was to sleep in because I have had such a long week. So first he comes out of his room ad says back to your room until 11. That's what I said haha I told him I was changing the 10am rule to the 11am rule for today. And when I told him I was wide awake so early, he made me coffee. It was such a nice thing to do.

Winnie the Pooh

I need you to come here and find me 'cause without you I'm totally lost.


Calling all angels.

She will be loved.

I miss number twelve. I am laying in bed and I just miss him. I'd love to just be near him, lay in his arms. I am blogging so I don't text him. I would love to facetime him right now because I would love to hear his voice and see his face.
I guess I just hope that one day it will just get better. One day we will be happy. It sucks because any time I look to my future, I see him. I love him. I always will. But he leaves in a year to Texas. And I don't know I can deal with that. I've dreamt about the day he leaves for a few months now. I can see him saying goodbye and all I see is him holding me while I tell him not to go. Please don't go. Because I have to say it out loud.
That's how I feel.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jason Aldean

I may never know your reasons why, but someday I'm gonna see the good in your goodbye.


I got an iPhone today because my blackberry gave out. It broke my heart a bit. I can't belie I finally conceded to the iPhone nation. I know I'm a sellout but I love it already!

Monday, April 9, 2012

why am I sick AGAIN.

My stupid nose is running like a faucet right now. I don't understand why. Just stop. I have homework to do... You're clearly distracting me. Silly cold.

the little things.

It is difficult to get a man to understand the world when his job depends on not understanding it.
-Upton Sinclair

Sunday, April 8, 2012

but this is actually a problem.

I want to go to bed but my sheets and blankie are in the laundry.

if this was a movie you'd be here by now.

If you're out there, if you're somewhere, if you're moving on
I've been waiting for you, worried since you've been gone.

remind me.

if you still love me, 
don't just assume I know.