Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The men that have me blushing.

I don't think I blogged about the whole Mexico thing. I was just standing at work the other day and J was like B, what are you doing this weekend? And I'm like what do you mean? (He never asks that because I work 24/7 haha). And he's like it's the long weekend what are you doing? And I'm like oh I work haha what else would I do? He's like I don't know maybe you were going away. So I asked him what he was doing and he's like I might go to Mexico for 2 days.
I was like what? Seriously? He's like yep. In my head I was like uhhh was he just going to ask me to go to Mexico for 2 days?
Then he's like but I don't know because of Duke. And I was like I'll watch Duke if you want. He's like well my brother said he would but I don't really trust him considering last time. And I laughed and told him I would if he needed.

So now I may or may not be staying at his house this weekend hanging out with his puppy. And now I am also wondering if he was going to ask me to go with him because he just is never that interested in probing for details. Maybe he just wanted me to babysit his dog. Who knows.
He's been weird this week. Like we've been talking lots and he's been so weird at work like super chatty. I don't even know. I know that I am obviously over-analyzing the shit out of everything. I just don't know right now.

On another note, M(Court) is coming in tonight again. He texted me this afternoon so we will see how that goes. I am really open to experience right now. CG wants me to date Court and she's so excited he is coming in tonight and that he texted me to see if I was working. He's a nice guy and makes me laugh and I think he's got his life together a bit but who knows.
Last week when CG was making comments about M texting me and stuff J was kind of being jealous and went out of his way to like be involved in all of our conversations. And then CG was like uh-oh J's fuming with jealousy now, right in front of J. And so who knows. CG always makes comments like that but it did kind of seem like he was jealous.

SO tonight I am just going to see how it goes haha. I'm definitely wearing my leather skirt though. YEP!

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