Friday, July 3, 2015

Great novels. Great human.

I'm looking forward to Mexico for the break. But I'm also looking forward to a break from him. I think it will be good for me. My fear though, is that the stupid books he chose will remind me of him every single day.
I started reading one last night and he's like it's absolutely ridiculous but it's so funny. And I was like okay. So I started reading it, and it is HILARIOUS. I was laughing out loud often. But it reminds me of him because it is his sense of humour. It is exactly how he would act in the character's situation, in fact, he reminds me greatly of the protagonist.
I fear that each of the novels he's given me are exactly him because they are his favourites and thus it will be like reading about him every day. And I don't know if I want that.

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