Tuesday, February 28, 2012

apparently I'm opinionated today.

That picture actually bothers me so much. I mean two gay people can't have kids that are genetically mutated because they cannot reproduce without both reproductive organs. Thus, they need a surrogate or a sperm/egg donation. First cousins have huge chances of producing mentally retarded children and all sorts of other genetic defects because they are the same blood. That's natural selection. Homosexuality is not natural selection. There is obviously some reason the homosexuality gene has survived all these years, who cares what the reason is. They still produce very healthy, happy children that are no burden to society.
Don't get me wrong, I have no issues when there are mentally handicapped children or children born with genetic abnormalities just because. But I do think that women over 40 who reproduce are just being selfish. There are so many children who need homes, who need to be adopted because a 16 or 17 year old girl had an accident and wants her baby to be raised by a good family that can't or shouldn't reproduce. I only think that handicapped children are a burden to society when it could easily have been prevented. I mean really though. If I found out that I could never have kids, I probably wouldn't be too upset. When my sister found out she may never have kids, she was devastated. And lucky as we are to have mouse, and another baby on the way, adoption became a very viable option for them. She wanted to adopt children that needed a home. They tried to adopt children who needed a home (don't get me on the foster care rant too because that system is a croc of shit also). And we are so lucky to have mouse healthy and happy but she had chances to not be healthy. And I thought it was selfish of her to think of having children when there was a high chance there'd be something wrong or she wouldn't survive. Mouse was premature and not healthy when she was born and it scared the hell out of all of us. I can't imagine my life without her now but I just think it's selfish to put a) yourself though that. b) that child through that. c) family and friends. and d) society.

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