Friday, October 14, 2011


Alright, alright. I will fully admit I am a complete bitch. But I just haaaaadd to watch that music video. I did and ahahahahahahahahahha. Seriously though, she doesn't have a bad voice but that was a stupid video and I'm not crazy about the actual song. I have a deep appreciation for music and I know how difficult it is to make it in that business. I mean, I dream about being a record producer but at the same time, I'm not willing to give up who I am or what I believe in to make it in an industry like that. And I know how easy you can lose sight of who you are when you don't have anyone to keep you grounded.
I mean good for her for trying but I just don't think I'd be willing to do something like that. I mean Reese Witherspoon made a point in her acceptance speech not too long ago, there are ways to make it with integrity in the entertainment industry; we've just forgotten that it can be done because most people don't get there that way. You don't have to do drugs or sleep with someone to make your dreams come true. If you do, it's probably time to find a new dream.
I don't know I'm a bitch and I'm cynical and often pessimistic. I can see the good in people but I am also more than in tune with the bad. I often have to force myself to see the good in a lot of people because I am more inclined to see the bad, it's a better depiction of who we are. It's not easy to be a good person, but it's easy to make the good things you do known to other people. I like to see the bad in people, see how the handle it, how they control it, if they accept it. The bad can tell you much more about a person that the good.

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