Monday, October 10, 2011

today's Taurus horoscope.

"You have put someone on a pedestal. You believe this person to be the picture of strength, virtue, integrity, and honesty. You probably cannot imagine that this individual has moments of weakness, bouts of low self-esteem, or times of sadness or hopelessness. But everyone does. By assigning the perfect character to this individual, you are doing him/her a disservice. How can you let your loved one know that you will accept the relationship even with the flaws? Adjust your outlook and it will become obvious. Expect less, and you will get much, much more."

This epitomizes number twelve and my relationship. And it's kinda funny. It seemed like tonight he maybe let up a bit. We talked for about 45 minutes on my drive home. It was nice to just chat. You know? To catch up and not talk about our relationship or anything of the sort. Just to talk about what's going on in his life and my life, catching up like friends do. This is what I've missed most, us being able to talk. I miss my best friend.

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