Friday, March 25, 2011

good morning.

BOTH my classes got cancelled today. How fabulous is that? SO fabulous because I got to sleep in AND I'll get lots done when I get to the library. I'm also planning to do my hair and wear jeans today. bahaha S, right now you're like oh no what does she wear to school. I am without a doubt a lulu girl to school most days. Jeans ususally 2-3 days a week but lulus come out because I go to the school from like 7/8/9am to 9/10/11 pm. The other night I was there until 11:45. It is just impractical to dress up for me. But I definitely think how you look beautiful every day is incredible. Keep up the good work! (But only because I know that's who you are and what you like... not because you wouldn't look beautiful in lulus because you would!)

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