Friday, March 25, 2011

as we go on, we remember, all the times we had together.

I was pretty mean to phlg the other day. I guess I'm just fed up with her bullshit. First, she got mad at me because I didn't go to the bar. A short few weeks before, she told me I was the worst friend ever because I didn't answer her excessive phone calls and texts at 3am. So I asked her if she did ecstasy the other night and she said nope. About two hours later I found out that they did mdma. Now I'm not a drug dealer, but I do know that mdma is a purer form of ecstasy. In my opinon, that's a lie (please, correct me if you disagree). So I was upset with her and I told her so. She flipped out about how it's her life and she'll do what she wants etc. And I am perfectly fine with that but I also told her that I am going to tell her when I disagree with her life choices and they involve serious things like drugs. In my opinion, that's what friends do. I don't want to be friends with someone who will watch me have an eating disorder and drug problem and not say anything so I'm not going to do that to my friends. Especially, the one who's supposed to be my best friend.
So we fought for awhile and then she said you keep making up excuses to not talk to me or not be friends with me so if you don't wanna be friends anymore then don't If you're gonna start a fight with me everytime we talk then what's the point. I responded with something along the lines of, well I really don't talk to anybody (I don't really. I do homework all the time). And then I told her that she gets mad at me when we talk because I call her out on her bullshit but she also gets mad at me when I don't talk to her because I'm focusing my energy on other more productive things. Make up your fucking mind already.
I'm really not sure how exactly she responded but it was something along the lines of me being on a high horse and such. And how I give everyone else second chances and she does the right thing 95 percent of the time but I hold against her her 5 percent fuck ups.
I was really rude after that and I really don't feel guilty at all because I have been feeling this way for so long. I'm just so over being friends with someone who makes me feel like a bad friend and a bad person. I said join the club because I'm so tired of being told I'm a bad friend because I'm not as open with other people as they are with me. I have been so fed up with how she treats me and what she's doing with her life that I just kind of snapped. I don't want to associate with people who do drugs. I don't want my best friends to be angry with me because I don't want to party, or I want to spend time alone or with my family. Or because I used to drop everything at the hat for everyone else and I don't anymore.
I just hit a breaking point and I basically told her this, "I'm sorry I had the balls to move out of my parents house and grow up. Good luck at rdc with the same life, the same friends and the same maturity level as high school".
I know that it was harsh but I'm just so done. I mean I have friends who just turned 18 and aren't even out of high school that are more mature and can have more realistic conversations. And I know the rdc thing is a widespread generalization but there's a lot of people that only go there because they are too immature and too cowardly to grow up. I have seen some of my friends change so much and others that are exactly the same as they were four years ago when they were 16.
That's not the kind of people I want in my life. I want friends that want to grow with me and support me and help me become a better person and achieve the goals I have. And maybe I am on a high horse in your opinion but I'm just so over RD. I'm so over the high school drama party party party bullshit. I'm tired of people trying to make me feel guilty for moving away and growing up and changing. I shouldn't have to feel guilty because I've changed and matured and I want different things in my life. So I'm not sorry.

1 comment:

XOXO said...

Good, don't be sorry. I don't blame you. That's what happens, though, after grad - some of us grow up, and some of us never will.
