Wednesday, November 9, 2011

one year.

So today is exactly one year since I got assaulted. I honestly didn't even think about it until my sister told me that sofaking and his gf came into Moxies tonight. It kinda threw me off a bit. I guess just every once in awhile it bothers me. I mean it's a pretty serious thing and I've just basically come to the acceptance that I'm never going to get the closure I desire.
I mean I felt good talking to K about it tonight because he was like seriously, I'd really like to knock that fucker out. He deserves a good shitkicking. And it just kind of made me realize how close K and I have become. I mean if he saw the kid, he'd legitimately kick the shit out of him. It's nice to know he has my back you know? I mean I'd actually be sad if we didn't live together.
I mean he has exacerbated my trust and commitment issues more than I thought was even possible, but at least I know he will always tell me the truth when it comes to a boy, or relationship or anything he knows is important to me.
I guess what's most important for me now is to remember that it is over and done with. I came out alive and stronger and I am so much better off without people like sofaking in my life. Most days, I can't even believe I was ever friends with some of the people I was. But I know that I am a better person than they will ever be and I am doing something real with my life and that it was a hell of a kickstart to get me out of that place in my life. And I feel like I've only become a better, smarter, more mature person since then.

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