Saturday, November 12, 2011

best future wife.

I'm so brilliant. Like actually though. I am going to be the best wife in the whole world. Here's what I did today... I went to the gym, went to the store, came home and cleaned and did laundry then I made four different banana breads then I made supper and have been studying and watching movies and drinking wine hahahahahhahaa. I know perfect wife right?
I just need to find a husband that will make tons of money and has a smokin' hot bod. Well and hopefully he dresses well, is relatively nice and can make me laugh.
I have a distorted view of my future, I know that. I see a fairy tale ending that's highly unrealistic. And at 20, I think I'm okay with that. I am watching crazy stupid love and I just want some incredibly gorgeous Ryan Gosling who is cocky as fuck and dresses amazing and is ripped to shit and has a good heart deep down.

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