Tuesday, October 4, 2011

nothing serious.

I decided I'm just going to have school girl crushes on boys from now on and never float into the realm of even remotely serious relationships or anything that resembles a 'relationship' in any way shape or form. Thus, I can be a slut which is basically what S and I have been striving for all week. We were puck bunnies and it was lovely. hahahahaha this way, I can also have multiple crushes in the different cities I encounter and life will be good. For example, I will start my crushes off with the hockey player, the lacrosse player and the super jacked dude that calls me beautiful yet is on a mission to "take as many first year virginities as possible" hahahaha. I have wonderful friends, I swear.
Besides, the psychic told me to have more fun. This seems like a sure fire way to 'lighten up' if ya know what I mean.

The funniest part of this conversation is I am not remotely slutty. Today my roommate told me that I am the biggest tease around and he sometimes wishes I were a slut but he takes more pleasure in the fact that I am so far from being a slut and I just come home with the greatest stories of my 'almost slutty' nights. hahahaha

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