Saturday, October 8, 2011

another one.

So last night I ended up going out. I wasn't going to because I have so much homework but then I found out that my midterm got moved so of course I went out.
So I got home and visited my mouse and then I went to ZG's and picked her up and we went to LICASS for a few drinks because it was the final day of the season. It was 20 years so we popped a bottle of delicious champagne and then walked down to the casino. So then we ate and our boss gave us all casino money and bought dinner and drinks etc. So then PD got home so him and AM picked me up and we went to DK's. And at this point I was already pretty drunk like I needed some aqua to sober up. So I walk in and I poured a drink and I was sitting down while the boys played NHL12 because they are just soooo sweet and do that on a friday night. hahah no I was the only girl so I expected it. Then DK got up to get a drink and he was standing above me touching my head and I'm like wtf and he's like surprise hahaha. And he iced me. (that means you have to get down on one knee and chug a smirnoff ice.. fyi. it is not enjoyable). So then whatever we kept drinking and he iced all of us. So basically my attempt at a glass of water and sobering up was nullified.
So then we went to PT and picked up HJR on the way and that turned into a disaster as well hahaha. We drank like 20 shots between 4 of us and I vommed. It was brutal. Then we headed over to good ol' billy's and drank more, yet again I don't know why I thought any of this was a good idea. So then we were just chilling and I got up on a stool to see who I could and I ended un seeing sofaking. I know how ridiculous this sounds but I legitimately had a panick attack. Like I started crying and hyperventilating and I was so stressed out about it. I haven't seen him since that night and I thought I was doing really well with the situation but I am apparently not. So I told DK kinda what happened and he's like where is this fucker. And starts flipping out because he just wants to kill the kid. I was really stressed out and then we just ended up going back to DK's and I went to sleep and yeah.
I woke up this morning, had a nice brisk walk to my vehicle and now I should be studying but I've been extremely sick and cannot keep anything inside of me and yeah. I guess we'll see how the day goes.

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