Friday, November 27, 2009

when life gives you lemons

the craaazziestt thing happened to me last night.
so sunshine's parents were there, obviously, and his mom ask my dad where i was. and when my dad said that i was like what. really. weird. now you might think well your best friend's parents haven't seen you in a long time, obviously they'd ask how you were. but in the context of this situation, re: the not speaking for 6 weeks thing... baffles my mind. i find this mind boggling because he tells his mother everything. like i mean everything. and when the person you've spent the last three years being best friends with just up and tells you to not talk to them anymore, you'd think they would tell their mother. apparently, he's changed.
anyways, i saw her and said hi but she was in a conversation and i didn't want to interrupt so i just kept walking and decided i'd see her later. i asked big g to tell mommy b that her dress was absolutely gorgeously breathtaking. (it was like a sort of beige ish top half with a little bit of ruffle but in a simply elegant way, very fitted with black from slightly above the waste down, like a model's dress actually... and it was probably like a marc jacobs or something dress to top it off). but he said no you better find her, she'd rather hear it from you; which really meant, i'm terribly sorry but i'm probably going to forget that so i'm sure she'd appreciate you telling her yourself. so i semi-looked for her for awhile, just kind of hoping i'd see her but that never happened so me being me, i sent her a text message. and she's all cute like where are you, i'm by the stage! so eventually i see her near the very end of the evening but being her well-known, lovely self, she was surrounding by a see of people. finally there was only one or two other people around so i go so i can actually have a conversation with her. she's like OH MY GOSH you look GORGEOUS and gives me a big mommy b kind of hug(i really miss those). and she's just like honestly one of the most genuine people i've ever met, and i can say that because she was probably half cut like everyone else at that dinner and she's just a geuinely thoughtful person. like my grad gift for example and the way she tried to hide it. so last night we got to have a nice chat and she was so interested in my well being even if it didn't include her son and to me, that's incredible. so then jw is there and he is like one of the funniest people around. just like rich, arrogant and to me extremely hilarious. (i don't appreciate people who are not nice to other people, but i can only truly judge someone on the way they treat me) so he was like uhh brooke wtf where is my hug?? and so i gave him a big hug and got to talk with them and he's like uh why aren't we facebook friends or anything like this is silly, i'm hurt. and then out of nowhere just like lets go drink more. ahahaha and i just think they are so fantastic. they truly are a wonderful family and i was just so not expecting the evening to go like that.

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