Sunday, December 25, 2011

what a day.

Things have been ridiculous this week. It's been sooooo busy. On Friday I went out and actually had a great time hahahaha I also managed to snipe DK's bed again. I wish that I could bang that kid without fucking up friendships.
Also tonight I was so grumpy. At dinner, I got the "you drink too much and don't know how to handle your liquor" during which my family hasn't even dealt with me drunk in months (aka why I went to DK's and why I always go there because I don't want to listen to their hyprocritical bitching) and then I got the anorexia lecture. I've legitimately got that lecture about 3 times today and 5 or 6 times since I got home and it just frustrates me so much because I'm not anorexic and I'm not even really that skinny. And to me eating disorders are really serious and not funny to joke about at all. I've had an eating disorder and it's scary. It bothers me because I do care about what I eat and I care about going to the gym but that's more about how I feel than how I look. Because I am still not happy with my size or weight. I weigh more now than I ever have.

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