Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas.

Other than my lectures, I had a really great day. We got up this morning and we opened stockings and presents and then we went to momma's and did the same and had breakfast and just basked for the afternoon. Then we came home and opened presents with mouse and b and c and had supper.
I am pretty happy, seeing mouse open her presents is seriously the most amazing thing. She was so funny she was grinning from ear to ear and she just kept saying "WOOOOOW" hahahah. It was wonderful.
I'm really happy with what I got for Christmas too. Momma got the picture that LG drew me last year framed and it is really beautiful. It's a Cinderella thing that says, "no matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true". And it gives me hope.
Then I got a new pair of gym shoes (that I have to pick) and I mostly got giftcards but they're awesome so I'm excited. I got the entire Sex and the City box set aka all the seasons AND both movies so I was totally jacked about that. And B made me a blanket THAT IS BATMAN AND IT IS FUCKING AWESOME AND INCREDIBLY WARM.
One of my fav things was these two little wine books daddy bought me. One is like a little red wine book that tells you about the different kinds of wine and the different grapes etc. And the other is like a log book that you can rate wine in. So it has like the type of wine, grape, year, what it tastes like, what's in it, how you'd rate it, what country it's from etc. It's really cool.
OH AND usually we don't get much from auntie and uncle because there's just some bad history there and this year they bought us each a pair of BEAUTIFUL Coach boots. I was so shocked but they're so beautiful.
Anyways I was more than mildly spoiled so I'm very thankful for everything I got but especially thankful for my family and friends.

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