Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Generally I don't like halloween all that much. Yes I love candy but I hate dressing up for halloween. Invite me to a themed party any other day of the year and I'm like heelllll yeah. But I hate halloween. And mostly I hate it because once you pass the age of trick-or-treating, halloween is just another holiday to objectify women. And I don't know if it's because I'm self conscious or because I'm not a slut or what but I just hate the concept of dressing up in lingerie with animal ears. If I want to wear lingerie, I'll wear it for the boy I'm dating (hypothetical, unfortunately). And I have never dressed as a slut for halloween, ever. Like last year, I was a baker hahahahahaha I know clever right... still cracks me up.
This year, S and I are going to DK's halloween party. And I'm seriously so excited after chatting with S about what to be. She text me like soooo I wanna go but I don't wanna go with, ahem actual sluts hahaha. Just pretend ones aka you. bahahahahahahaha I laughed out loud in the library. Then we discussed costume ideas and I laughed so hard because we both had the same idea which is hilarious.
To top off how hilarious we are, we're going to be puck bunnies. Thus, we are going to dress up in uggs, jean skirts, leggings, jerseys and bunny ears. bahahahahahahah we are so funny. It is funny because neither of us are een remotely slutty or close to sluts. hahahaha

1 comment:

XOXO said...

Ahem.. actual sluts ahahah