Tuesday, October 18, 2011

be yourself.

Do you really think that people can change?

I'm torn about how I feel about this. I mean I think we can grow and we get better and we change a little bit. We change our some of our interests and hobbies and our friends, etc. But do we really change? I don't know. I guess I just feel like there are things about us that change as we get older and we mature. I think we learn to be more open-minded. We forget how to unconsciously appreciate the little things and we have to consciously remind ourselves to take things less seriously; it's only life. I have watched myself become a better person. I've watched myself learn about myself and understand who I am and who I want to be. I've developed an understanding of what I want in life, and especially what I don't want.
Every day we choose to move on. To get up, to take a step forward and simply rise above the pain of the past. We choose to fight back, to push through every obstacle we're faced with carrying the pain and hurt of all the days before that one, and become the person we want to be.
At the same time, we face things with courage or fear or whatever, we do it the same. I have seen so many people remain complacent for such an extended period of time it's painful. yet I've seen people metamorphis into a completely different person. So what gives?
For some reason, I'm pretty stuck on the idea that at the end of the day, we are who we are and it's probably who we've always been.
I guess that's where the question of being yourself comes in. And in this day and age I wonder if anyone even knows how to do that. I mean what does it even mean to be yourself?

1 comment:

XOXO said...

Some do, some don't.