Friday, September 16, 2011

studio thursdays.

Last night I got drunk. Haha shocker right. I've actually been drinking lately but 've been having a LOT of fun for a change. I still go to the library every day and work hard at school and I'm sure I'll be skipping studio nights in like 2 weeks but for now, while my load is still light enough, I've been enjoying it. Last night I was the perfect drunk. I generally hate dancing because I'm never drunk enough so I get too drunk. But there was like all of us just dancing and living it up last night and it was just good old fun. I left before everyone else because I knew if I stayed too long I'd end up getting too drunk or not having fun etc. Plus I promised TK that I'd drink wine with her afterwards haha. So she picked me up and we went and drank wine and it was lovely.
JVN is coming to get me soon to go to school though so I better go get ready.
later gator.

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