Tuesday, September 13, 2011

it's never enough.

Enough. Not being enough. Not smart enough. Not pretty enough. Not talented enough. Not enough.
That has always been my biggest fear, not being enough. And I've gone through some experiences that have made me feel like I'm not enough, like I'll never be enough. And anytime that anyone has ever made me feel like I'm enough, I've fallen into their trap. It's why I cheated on number twelve, because sofa king made me feel like I was enough. Like I was more than enough. And after everything with sunshine and number twelve, I just wanted to be enough.
I've never been the girl that boys like or have a crush on. I've never been 'that girl'. And my sister always has. I guess that made it worse because I felt like I would never be as good as her, as pretty as her, as fun as her, as smart as her, as sexual as her. I would just never measure up to her. I think that's why I did what I did the other night. Because I was enough for someone else, even if just for one night.
All I've ever wanted is to just be enough. I want him to tell me I'm enough. I want to be enough for him.

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