Saturday, September 24, 2011

ppmd; the morning after.

Alright so last night I went out hahahaha. And I went to KG and CW's house and we pre-drank and had jell-o shots etc. It was really fun and this dude PT was hitting on me and kept forcing me to drink in games etc. So whatever we went to the country bar here, Boss Hoggs (I've never been before.. it was alright). And we danced all night and CT danced with me too and that was fine whatever. And then we went home and PT was being really nice actually. I was like yeah I'm not gonna sleep with you and he's like I know. You're the kind of girl that a boy dates not the kind of girl a boy fucks. And I was like uh thank you? He's like no I'm serious, I actually want to take you on a date.
So we came back to KG and CW's house (they are my neighbours fyi) and then I was exhausted so I said I was going home to bed and he kissed me and we talked more and he came home with me. I was like I'm still not sleeping with you and he's like I know. So whatever we went to bed and he just like rubbed my back and was just really nice. Like he kissed my forehead in the cab and I told him to not be so nice to me because boys aren't actually that nice.
Then this morning we were laying in bed and I was like I have soooo much homework to do (hoping he'd get the hint). And he just like chatted and then he went to sleep so at like 11 I got up and started studying and he just like stayed sleeping in my bed it was the weirdest thing ever. And he just was not getting that I wanted him to leave because I had shit to do. So then I got in the shower being like okay if you don't get the hint now like I'll probably have to be rude. I also found out in this time period that he doesn't drive (in my opinion that's effin lame and not attractive at all. ) Then finally when i got out of the shower I had to wake him up and I was like hey sorry but I have to go to PPMD (post party morning discussion) with the boys. And he was like okay. So I finally took him home at almost 1pm.
All the while my roommate was being so loud and him and I were texting having the funniest conversation and K is just beaking beaking beaking him. First he was like the poor kid is screwed, he knows I'm out here so if he was trying to sneak away it isn't happening. And I'm gonna make it awkward. Then we continued to text, he was going to fake call me so I could be like ya sorry I gotta go. Then I asked if it would be rude to come hang out with K and leave him in my bed and he's like no do it, it will be so funny especially if he tries to come out and you tell him to wait in your room. (hahaha what is this an episode of jersey shore) so then when I found out that he didn't drive K was like I have some quarters, you can direct him to the bus stop. it is easily at the point of saying time to leave. And then K was like okay I think you need to just say, "look dude, sometimes I drink too much and make mistakes, and that's what you are, a mistake. I really hoped you would have figured that out on your own but you are just as retarded as our cousin. If you are still unaware of what I am alluding to, you need to leave." bahahahahahahahahahahaha
I burst out laughing so hard when I read that.  Then to top it all off when I dropped the kid off he asked me if he could call me and we could hang out or something. And it's lucky I had my sunglasses on. Then he left his phone at my house so I had to give it to KG to take to his house when they went.
Anyways it was a hell of a morning.

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