Tuesday, September 20, 2011

bye bye blonde.

I got my hair did today!!!! (Yes I know that's completely gramatically incorrect) I got it cut and coloured today and I loveeee it. It's dark again, like really dark. And super pretty. It feels so nice. Always go dark when you're hair is dry or fried and it makes it so much better. I am so happy with what he did with it. It's a major change and I think it's a good thing.
I started to feel a little guilty today about everything with number twelve. TK told me not to feel bad or guilty that he really needs to know it's not okay to treat me like that. And I think that's what's hardest about this. I didn't say that to be a bitch or to hurt him. I want everything to work out with us eventually I just know that he's not ready. And to be honest, I don't think I am either. I really love him and I miss talking to him and spending time with him. I miss knowing what's going on in his life and I miss him knowing what's going on in mine. I just have to be strong and independent and myself for now. It's all going to work out in the end. People that are meant to be together always find their way in the end, right?

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