Tuesday, April 26, 2011

sick and tired.

First off, I am beyond extremely ill. I have been sick for the last two days. Sunday night I was up all night getting sick then I had a shower yesterday, passed out in the shower and woke up vomitting. Yeah, I'm that sick. It's so gross. I haven't felt this ill in a long time. I have missed two days of work now that I can't afford to miss and I have a job interview tomorrow so I better be better by then. I spent all day sleeping yesterday and I've been sleeping on and off today. My head hurts and I'm dizzy and ugh.
I can almost guarantee that this is my body's way of telling me to slow down before I have a heart attack or something. I am a stress-case and I have anxiety and I worry about everything. I over-stress and over-analyze and it isn't healthy. I try to take on more than I know I can handle because I feel like I should be able to handle inhuman amounts of work. I have killed myself over this semester and over-exerted myself in an effort to think less about number twelve. It's not working.
I know that I need to relax and try to work on being happy because I will definitely over-do it if I don't focus on myself. I am planning on taking two classes and nine credits this summer while working hopefully three jobs. I know how insane I sound but I have zero desire to drink and party and waste my time and money. I want to start preparing for my future.

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