Tuesday, April 26, 2011

everything is you.

I just realized something. It's so weird that both the boys I posted are blonde because I am totally a brunette type of girl. I don't know why but I just think the concept of 'tall, dark and handsome' is just such a smokeshow. Like especially when a boy has super green or blue eyes. Number twelve is like perfect as far as my attraction goes. He has the strongest, most amazing body. And not like steroid, unattractive big, like muscular in a "I can protect you yet always look good" kind of way. He has this ridiculous hair that he loves to grow out long but it is so sexy at the perfect length. He likes to have facial hair and I absolutely hate it but I must admit that I miss him giving me cheek burn just because he can. He is the perfect height to stand in his arms. My head fits perfectly into his collar-bone so I can kiss his neck and he can kiss my forehead. And he has the most beautiful green eyes. Like they are just so mm.
These are only a few of the physical traits I love about him... I'm not even going to bother discussing all the reasons I fell in love with him; I'd rather not cry today.

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