Friday, March 11, 2011

YOU are beautiful. please believe it.

i sometimes wish we saw what the people we love see in ourselves. you know? it's so much easier to see yourself as fat or stupid or ugly when you look in the mirror after looking at supermodels, or listening to someone speak eloquently about a brilliant topic. i wish that some of the people i love would see the beauty i see when i look at them. i also wish that i would see the beauty in myself that other people tell me they see. we're always looking at the negative things in this world. and i say we because i am just as guilty as everybody else.
but why is our perceptions of beauty so distorted? i don't think that most models are good looking because they are too skinny. and i feel for those people who are so skinny and have never had an eating disorder but have been accused of it their entire lives. i feel for the more voluptuous girls who have had an eating disorder for years yet people accuse of eating cake and fast foods. i think beauty is being healthy. and that means living a healthy lifestyle that's good for you. the most important part is being happy with who you are. confidence is beautiful.
i think blondes are beautiful and brunettes and red heads and all the combinations between. and black girls and white girls and asian girls and hispanic girls. and skinny girls and large girls and all the sizes in between. i guess i just wish that everybody would have a wider perception of beauty. you know? like think of ourselves as beautiful too. i'm guilty of it.
sometimes i feel pretty or cute. and those days, are the days i'm really beautiful because i'm confident and i believe in my own beauty. i look past the flaws, the things i hate about myself and really see myself as a wonderful whole person: beautiful, kind, confident, brilliant, honest, compassionate, empathetic, healthy, loyal, trustworthy, thoughtful, talented, genuine --me.

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