Sunday, March 6, 2011

white raisins.

have you ever been to bulk barn? it is a great place. it's like nutters kind of only way better. i have this weird thing about certain foods. like i like tomatoe sauce and ketchup and sundried tomatoes but i absolutely hate tomatoes. and i like grapes and craisins but not raisins (which here contrasts the taste and texture). so the other day nc and i went to bulk barn and she's like oh my gosh you have to try this they are so good. and i'm like sick i do not like raisins. and she's like these white ones are sooo good. so i tried it, and they are delicious. like how weird am i? i like the taste of grapes and the texture of crasins/white raisins but i don't like regular raisins. i am so freaking weird.

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