Thursday, September 8, 2011

moving on.

So I kinda had a woops last night... I went to Earls for dinner with NC and MW and some of the girls then they went home and I went to Blarney Stone and met a girl I've been in classes with all of last year, JN. She's pretty entertaining and her friends were nice too. I was just going to go for a drink or two but then she bought me a shot and THEN RD showed up. So we were chatting and drinking, I also had a good chat with NE (NC's roommate) and he was really nice. And then RD and I drank like a lot together.. like waaay too many shots and my sister was like seriously stay the f away from her.. keep your hands off my baby sister etc. and him and I had a good laugh about it. Only JN and her friend left and I was still drinking and having a good time and I kind of ended up giong home with RD.
I actually had a really fun time last night. I like his friends. AE is also a huge black dude that could drop any-mother-fucker. hahahahahahah I don't know. I feel like as skanky as it was, I'm better today than I have been in a really long time. After everything with number twelve this was just kind of a ``I`m fucking done`` thing.
Well, you know what they say... The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

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