Sunday, December 2, 2012

When I get where I'm going, I'm gonna walk with my grandaddy.

It's been exactly seven years since my poppa died. It is really really hard to even comprehend that. I miss him so much. He had this grace about him that was so beautiful. He was just so proud. He loved life and he loved me.
My niece has been seeing ghosts. It's actually terrifying a little bit but fascinating at the same time. The fact that she can open her heart and mind to the possibility of spirits between worlds is to me incredible. She said she was talking to an old man the other day. An old man in the navy he was fighting a war and he was really nice and he loved her a lot. B asked if he's okay and S said oh yes he's fine he is completely okay he's safe. He just loves me though. She is two years old and she spoke stories of him.
I know he's watching over her and he loves her. So very much he loves her. I miss him so much. It breaks my heart because so many people like hate spending time with their family. I love it. It breaks my heart that my grandparents couldn't come to my graduation and that they won't be at my wedding, or when my kids are born or any of it. So many people take their families for granted and I just love mine. I appreciate them and miss them and wish I was that lucky.

In loving memory.

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