Sunday, December 2, 2012

How are people that mean.

On Friday night I went to a duck dynasty party, which was hilarious by the way. I saw RD, who I  used to hang out with. He is a really nice guy actually and he makes me laugh. He has a new girlfriend now and they seem happy and I'm so glad for him. His ex-girlfriend is seriously a psychopath. She is so insecure I feel bad for her. She makes a point to tell everyone in the world that I slept with R. And it's like okay, I get it, we aren't even friends really like why is this such an issue for you? We were literally sitting in her room on Friday not even talking about him and she's like B slept with R. I don't even care that she tells people because R is a nice guy and a great lay and they were over for almost a year before that happened. Him and I had a perfectly good conversation, did a shot of tequila together, like I invited his girlfriend to come be a part of it with us. I see things in a way that I want what's best for him, I want him to be happy. 
KM decided to flirt with R and like basically throwing herself at him like right in front of his girlfriend and I was just disgusted with her behaviour. You're obviously jealous, but if you ever really cared about him, you would want him to be happy not try to ruin his relationship. And no I've never had to deal with that myself but I have to believe that I would never intentionally hurt number 12, ever. I would smile through sharp stabbing pain in my heart and tell him I'm happy for him. Or I wouldn't put myself in the position where I had to watch him with another girl.
She also made a point to sleep with JS after I did and then like called me to tell me the next day and put it on twitter. Like super you are insecure and enjoy attention. I don't understand. 
She also is extremely mean to TK which is really why I don't like this girl. She is supposed to be one of her best friends and she is so mean it kills me. I hate the way she speaks to her and the way she spends every waking second trying to put her down. Here is a prime example: yesterday, KM and ET were going out. They talked about it all day in front of T and even asked her to do their hair. KM asked T to borrow her clothes and they didn't invite her to go with them. THEN they have the nerve to text her after they left and be like sooo I just realized I totally forgot to invite you to come with us. You should come though. TK was like uhh okay well I'm fine thanks and made some sort of comment about it not being a mistake but mostly brushed it off. Like they obviously did not forget to invite her. Then K tried to turn it around on T and be like you didn't really look like you wanted to go out anyways. Like I can't even believe how she treats her. 

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