Wednesday, October 24, 2012

you would never know.

This whole Amanda Todd thing really pisses me off. Tonight I kind of got into an argument with JP's boyfriend about it. I am not stating that she deserved to get bullied or anything of that sort. My point is merely that I think it is sad and unfair that this one girl, who was being bullied for choices SHE made got famous because right before she died she made a video about it. I do not think that she deserved to be bullied. I think that all of the other people who kill themselves every single day as a result of bullying deserve recognition too. Especially considering a lot of kids who commit suicide as a result of bullying are being bullied about things they have no control over. Ex. they are from a family built bigger, they are not 'pretty' according to the other people, they are nerdy and SMART.
I cannot comment on whether or not she did it for attention. Sure, her history and reputation precede her but none of us know why she did what she did. CM's argument was that she couldn't possibly have done it for attention because people don't commit suicide for attention. I looked him in the face and said do you know anything about being suicidal? Have you ever been suicidal? He looked at me, almost with attitude and said 'no, have you?" I could and did honestly answer Yes. He shut up.
What upsets me most is people who talk about suicide in terms of attention or why they did it. They talk about it being selfish and gutless. You honestly have no idea what you're talking about if you believe that. People who are actually suicidal or deep within a depression, they do not kill themselves for attention. You will never hear that person talk about killing themselves if they are truly depressed and are not looking for attention. That person is so far into a never-ending hole of depression that all they want is for the pain to stop. They don't have the capacity to think about how their death will affect the people in their life. They don't have the capacity to think about the fact that their death will hurt people, that they might hurt the people they love because of it. All they can think about is how excruciating the pain they are in is. All they can think about is the moment it will stop.

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