Thursday, December 1, 2011

fucking horseshit.

I seriously had a spaz attack today. I'm so unbelieveably upset.
So there was a girl in Medicine Hat who killed her entire family when she was twelve years old with her 23 year old boyfriend. They stabbed them to death. So today I learned that she was released. And that seh was given a new identity and now goes to Mount Royal.
This is the Canadian Justice System. It's absolute bullshit. Like seriously, I'm so frustrated. I don't understand. I realize that the Youth Justice Act is there to protect young offenders. But what I don't get is how someone can premeditate and kill their entire family in cold blood and get out 6 years later. Like the Youth Justice Act should protect kids who get into the wrong things like a gang or drugs based on a poor situation that actually have a chance at being rehabilitated.
You've got to be fucking stupid if you think that a twelve year old girl that stabbed her little brother in the face can be rehabilitated. Go fuck yourself. That is the biggest bullshit in the world. And now, she might be in a class with one of my friends. No. That is just plain wrong. She has a right to get a degree and move on? What about the remainder of her class who has a right to go to school and feel safe and not have a threat that they're going to be murdered by the dumb bitch sitting beside them? What about their rights?
And the fact that she was released on the basis that "her brain wasn't fully developed at twelve to understand the severity and the consequences of her actions". Oh really? I'm pretty sure I was a whole lot younger than twelve when I understood that murder was wrong! This has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Seriously, as if you ever thought murdering your entire family was not absolutely and completely fucked.

1 comment:

XOXO said...

I COULD NOT AGREE MORE. SO COMPLETELY TRUE. Holy shit this makes me so mad. I also agree with what the Youth Justice Act should be doing - helping kids who get into bad situations that can be helped. Not protecting the identity of a MURDERER.

When you're 12 years old, you know what you are doing.