Wednesday, November 30, 2011

lucky I have a great roommate.

"What do you think keeps us from drifting apart but stops us from being together?"

Bahahahah okay, okay I'm a bitch I know. But seriously, this is such a funny thing. About a month ago, K's ex-girlfriend text him that one night. And he is such a goof and like acts like she's so awful and blah blah. It's so funny because he still like skypes with her and like talks to her lots. They are like number twelve and I in the fact they were kinda together for a lot longer than they were actually together. And I think he really does love her, but he'll never admit it. He's one of those guys. The one who is a complete douchebag ninety-nine percent of the time, but at the end of the day, he'd do anything for you if you really needed him to and he cared about you.
Honestly, I love K. He is so good to me. He does so much shit around the house without ever complaining and he tapes my shows for me and he takes out the garbage/ does recycling because he knows I hate it so much (Lethvegas is so stupid, they don't pick up your recycling... idiots. What would encourage people to recycle if you don't pick it up with garbage). And he picks me up when I'm drunk hahaha. But he's really big brotherly too. Like when I had my stalker issue he was like if you want me to come home right now I will. I'll take care of it if I need to. And this year, on the one year anniversary (fuck I make it sound like a celebration... I'm really celebrating the fact I survived and am doing okay) since I got assaulted, he was like I wish that fucker would come here so I could just kill the fucker. Take him out to the bar and I'll have a nice 'conversation' with him. And even when he heard about number twelve's sister he's like if number twelve wants someone to beat that fucker, I will. He's just like that. Super tough guy, asshole, makes fun of me all the time and makes me laugh with the rudest, most ridiculous comments, but would seriously do anything for me if I needed it.

1 comment:

XOXO said...

wtf leth doesn't have a recycling program?